The U.S. Government has a standard on how many rat hairs are allowed in a sample of wheat. If a railroad car full barely fails inspection, the company will pull it off to the side and then run it though the inspection process with another train. According to the “laws” of statistics, chances are good it will pass the second time around.
The government has all kinds of standards of how much of a bad thing is allowed in our food including not only rat hairs but poisons, insect parts and other things people would rather not think about.
Never heard of ants being good luck anywhere. Certainly not in my life. Got bit by a red ant (south Arkansas) and within hours the affected hand looked like a hamburger bun!
Mordock999 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Watcher over 5 years ago
So which is better, ant piss or ladybug poop on your sandwich?
rekam Premium Member over 5 years ago
Think I’ll never go on another picnic.
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
Well don’t feel bad ladybug, I carry off their sandwiches…..wait…ewwwww
mrcooncat over 5 years ago
Be-fouled pick-i-nick baskets haven’t caused Yogi Bear any problems in decades …
DanFlak over 5 years ago
The U.S. Government has a standard on how many rat hairs are allowed in a sample of wheat. If a railroad car full barely fails inspection, the company will pull it off to the side and then run it though the inspection process with another train. According to the “laws” of statistics, chances are good it will pass the second time around.
The government has all kinds of standards of how much of a bad thing is allowed in our food including not only rat hairs but poisons, insect parts and other things people would rather not think about.
Yet somehow we still survive.
1953Baby over 5 years ago
Why, why, why did I click on the comments?
tcayer over 5 years ago
Ladybugs. The FIRST gender confused species…
JudyHendrickson over 5 years ago
Herb L 1954 over 5 years ago
That’s not very lady like ;(
Cerabooge over 5 years ago
Natural fecal transplant.
Thechildinme over 5 years ago
Never heard of ants being good luck anywhere. Certainly not in my life. Got bit by a red ant (south Arkansas) and within hours the affected hand looked like a hamburger bun!
cuzinron47 over 5 years ago
Never understood why they call them ladybugs, that seems like an insult to ladies.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 5 years ago
… for that special flavor!!!
GreggW Premium Member over 5 years ago
And the European ones bite you.
zeexenon over 5 years ago
Watch out for their Oriental lookalikes. They bite too.
montylc2001 over 5 years ago
More protein.
Brian Premium Member over 5 years ago
I had some mysterious insects on my tomato plants once. I used a gardening forum to identify them. Turned out to be ladybug larvae.
soaringblocks over 5 years ago
I always suspected that. But they’re so CUTE!!
WCraft Premium Member over 5 years ago
So sorry I came here today and read these comments…
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
The Ladybugs eat other insects and are toxic to its own predators.