Darth Tolerant.
Darthfield > Star Wars
Vader was unimpressed by the Death Star. He called it insignificant next to the power of the force.
don’t know about darthfield, but THIS is why I’m starting to hate mondays…
Jon is tiresome.
August 09, 2014
Packratjohn Premium Member over 5 years ago
Darth Tolerant.
WaitingMan over 5 years ago
Darthfield > Star Wars
Tim Harrod Premium Member over 5 years ago
Vader was unimpressed by the Death Star. He called it insignificant next to the power of the force.
gnome over 5 years ago
don’t know about darthfield, but THIS is why I’m starting to hate mondays…
willie_mctell over 5 years ago
Jon is tiresome.