Luann Againn by Greg Evans for October 17, 2020

  1. Missing large
    Argythree  about 4 years ago

    Very good work, Dad…

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  2. Figaro 1
    Wilde Bill  about 4 years ago

    Sounds like Dad isn’t getting any, either.

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  3. Rick o shay
    wiatr  about 4 years ago

    Yes, Brad, you don’t want to have to quit school and get a job with the highway department digging ditches, just to support the mother of your child. That’s an old phrase that parents used to scare your pants back on.

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  4. Tyge
    Tyge  about 4 years ago

    This seems to be the first of Greg’s “edgy” arcs. I don’t remember this raising as much fuss as his later “Luann’s First Menstruation” arc.

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    micromos  about 4 years ago

    Looks like Brads head will round out in a few years.

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  6. Purplepeopleeater small
    Purple People Eater  about 4 years ago

    The two people who would be very unhappy… Would that be mom and dad?

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    kauri44  about 4 years ago

    Brad was sure expecting an awful lot out of a first date with someone who could barely remember his name.

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  8. Atheism 007
    Michael G.  about 4 years ago

    Remember, there is God’s Gift to the insane and the lonely.

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    MichaelHelwig  about 4 years ago

    It seems to me that teaching Brad, and Luann, how to safely enjoy sex would have been much preferable to the pap he’s spewing out.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  about 4 years ago

    It helped to remember what Daddy taught me:

    Never risk fathering a child you wouldn’t want to be the mother of your children.

    Options went wa-a-a-a-a-ay down with that thought. If women used the same criteria for fathers of their children, pregnancies would possibly become nearly nonexistent.

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  11. Joyce in front of digital white house
    jrbaskind  about 4 years ago

    Brad looks relieved to me.

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