The Buckets by Greg Cravens for November 05, 2019

  1. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Sure they do. They can be certain that ecological catastrophe is nigh unless we act and act FAST.

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    i_am_the_jam  over 5 years ago

    I hear everyone is preparing for some zombie apocalypse…

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    karmakat01  over 5 years ago

    quite true, grandpa…

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  4. Saxon
    Nuliajuk  over 5 years ago

    In the year 2525

    If man is still alive

    If woman can survive, they may find….

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  5. 1899lsu avatar
    YatInExile  over 5 years ago

    There’s still time.And show me someone who has certainty in his life.

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    david_42  over 5 years ago

    They are still certain to pay taxes and die.

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  7. Whatever  over 5 years ago

    That’s because nukes are so expensive, that your generation waited for a situation, where using them was less expensive that the gain. And the pennypinchers always spoiled the game by calculation the short term loss the use would add to it.

    But today the short term gain of using fossil energies are so blinding that its slower but active catastrophic destruction of the world is considered a win by your generation, even though every serious scientist of the field is screaming alarm for the past 40 years. Your generation will be remembered as the most stupid, selfish bastards that ever lived.

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    Alberta Oil  over 5 years ago

    Now.. they are all in a tizzy about climate change.. And the results will be the same

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  9. Stinker
    cuzinron47  over 5 years ago

    We still have some unstable people with their fingers on the button.

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    Al Nala  over 5 years ago

    There’s still death and taxes…

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    ccnrob  over 5 years ago

    I remember all of the “Duck and cover” drills and videos during school in the mid 1950s.

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  12. Saxon
    Nuliajuk  over 5 years ago

    I am the man, the well fed man, in charge of the terrible knob

    The most pleasing thing about it, it’s nearly a permanent job

    When the atom war is over, and the world is split in three

    Some consolation I’ve got (or maybe it’s not), there’ll be nobody left but me.

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  13. Ca avatar patch
    CougarAllen  over 5 years ago

    The world hasn’t ended in nuclear catastrophe YET. But now that the US has given North Korea the go-ahead to mass-produce hydrogen bombs and intercontinental ballistic missiles and reneged on treaties with Iran and Russia, there’s nothing to worry about! Right?

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