Heart of the City by Steenz for November 06, 2019

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    codycab  over 5 years ago

    An oldie but goodie.

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  2. Babysteps2
    mccollunsky  over 5 years ago

    Old fashioned problems require old fashioned solutions.

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  3. A common  tater
    A Common 'tator  over 5 years ago

    Hot chocolate with a dash of Glendfiddich always works for me too…

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    LadyPeterW  over 5 years ago

    Nay, laddy, hot chocolate with Drambuie. Save the Glenfidditch for sipping, don’t spoil it with hot chocolate…

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    SeanT Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Times have changed. I heat my milk in the microwave.

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    asrialfeeple  over 5 years ago

    The classics still work. Sweet dreams, Heart.

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    eladee AKA Wally  over 5 years ago

    Sweet dreams, Heart. Mother knows best.

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  8. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  over 5 years ago

    Warm milk was studied, and, yes, it helps us sleep. Not the warm part, the calcium. Mom always ate a Tum or two every night to help with her sleep.

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    vanaals  over 5 years ago

    Think about it. As infants, we drank warm milk then slept.

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    Snoots  over 5 years ago

    As odd as it seems, for many people 1/4 cup of coffee and then immediately going to bed will knock them right out. Why? Because for many people, insomnia is caused because the brain is over-stimulated and the body under-stimulated. Ever had those nights when you can’t seem to ‘wind down’ and you just feel nervous?

    This is a hyperactive state… and contrary to intuition, a stimulant can stop it. The small dose of caffeine provides the stimulus the body needs, tells the brain it doesn’t have to provide any more stimulus, the brain relaxes and bam… lights out.

    However, if one stays up say, 15 to 30 minutes or so, the caffeine can have the opposite effect and add to the stimulus effect, then you’ll be up all night. So it’s important to realize it’s a 2-stage process: relaxant, then stimulant. Want to get to bed while the relaxant effect is kicking in.

    I started using this method when my sleepy meds stopped working regularly… and the bit-o-coffee works like a charm. Of course, nothing is 100% effective, but the little-bit-o-coffee method has worked very well for me. (Note: doesn’t work for everyone, but for a surprising number of people it does.)

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  11. Tom 09
    Thomas Overbeck Premium Member over 5 years ago

    You getuh gless of warm milk, and then you slep like a bibi!

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    cosman  over 5 years ago

    For me, that and a single slice of buttered wheat toast does it.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 5 years ago

    I would not want warm milk.

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    Teto85 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    And 5 – 10 mg of Melatonin.

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    Asrial  over 5 years ago

    Cute feet.

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  16. Sixshotprofile
    Decepticomic  over 3 years ago

    Well done, Addy.

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