Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for November 05, 2019

  1. Rabbit
    RabbitHole  over 5 years ago

    So if lightning strikes a slice of bread, its “toast”, huh.

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  2. Xzno 128x128
    billcor  over 5 years ago

    depends on the amount of electrical charge and the continuity of the bread of course, Like a really Big piece of bread could take 2 bolts of lightning, or a very small storm might have trouble with just 150k slices.

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 5 years ago

    one hundred sixty thousand… how many loaves is that?

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    Leroy  over 5 years ago

    Geesh. If he was that into brevity he could have at least dropped the final “e.”

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    Leroy  over 5 years ago

    …but you might be scraping the first few pieces in the stack.

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  6. Baby
    wjones  over 5 years ago

    I think JG meant 160,000 pieces of charcoal.

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    Thorby  over 5 years ago

    That must be a Keyhole satellite to pick up that discoloration.

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    Carl Rennhack Premium Member over 5 years ago

    AMAZING YAK: Shakespear(e) wanted to call that play, “Julius Grab That Woman NOW!”, but his editor made him shorten the title to “Julius Seize Her”!!

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    h.v.greenman  over 5 years ago

    Looking for the penguin guano only works for the 4 species that live in that Antarctic polar regions, the other 13 species live in temperate climates and their nesting sites tend to look very similar to those of other sea birds

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    ruce42  over 5 years ago

    Or sent you back to the future

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  11. S l640
    joeatwork212  over 5 years ago

    I don’t know about bread, but I lightning did roast 3 squirrels who were in the wrong tree at the wrong time in my yard.

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    El Cobbo Grande  over 5 years ago

    Oh my head……

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    sparkle 13 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I’m going to lay out 160,000 slices of bread the next lightning storm just to see if they’re lying !!!!!!! lol

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    Buckeye67  over 5 years ago

    Interesting, penguin poop must be the only poop that can be seen from space.

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    Stephen Gilberg  over 5 years ago

    We’ve seen Iceman cool a drink for a friend. Guess Storm handles the toast.

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  16. Speed racer
    namelocdet  over 5 years ago

    Then finding elephants should be a cinch.

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    oakie817  over 5 years ago

    okay so who toasted the bread to prove this one?

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  18. That was no blizzard... it was just a mcflurry
    tinstar  over 5 years ago

    So, is Shakespeare also the one who inundated the language with the use of the moronic “Bro,” and “Dude?”

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  19. Udog 1
    ScottHolman  over 5 years ago

    Sometimes you can burn the edges when you use lightning to toast your bread.

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    news  over 5 years ago

    Willy Shakes was the first rapper.

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