Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for November 13, 2019

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 5 years ago

    what a sissy hostess

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    KenTheCoffinDweller  about 5 years ago

    Had a similar experience with a local restaurant that during HS had been on the lower end of the upper tier restaurants in town, very good food, excellent service, but priced to match. It was still within the reach of a working High Schooler making more than minimum wage who made an effort to save funds. Friend and I decided to splurge a bit and eat there since we had invites to General Motors Institute’s recruiting session which was being held nearby. 20 years later and I decided to make my second visit to the restaurant. Big mistake, food was not up to snuff, others were sending it back and getting refunds, I decided my food was at least edible, but sent the tableware back for a clean set, could hear the manager and kitchen staff fighting over things. In general just not a good experience. Mentioned it to my father sometime later and he said that it was no surprise. The company had grown from two local quality establishments on either side of town to a regional chain which had bought out the original owners while I was out of state and country. The quality of everything had gone into a pit of lowest possible cost.

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    jmworacle  about 5 years ago

    Did Rabbit from “Geech” open a new business? Where I grew up there was a BBQ place one of the few landmarks from my chronological childhood. Family came in for a visit so we ate there. Food was good. Several years later, another family members came to town. The owner had passed away and the daughter and son-in-law had taken over. There was an 180 degrees in the food quality. The property was sold for a condominium project. F.Y.I. if you’re inteerested watch Cocoon II the place was featured in a scene.

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    JPuzzleWhiz  about 5 years ago

    Horrors — Tia Carmen and Gracie have been turned into two of the Purple People from the Judge Parker strip! d;o)

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    COL Crash  about 5 years ago

    Don’t believe everything you see on the internet Baldo. There is a lot of good information there. But it seems that the majority of it is pure BS.

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    Cameron1988 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Had that experience just last night ordering a burger and some fries from a pizza place. Without a doubt the WORST burger I ever had in my life. It was not medium rare at all like I wanted it. The burger was all mush. Not properly cooked at all. It was beyond gross. I gave the place 1 star and a bad review because of it. Apparently I wasn’t the only person who has given the place bad reviews. I’m surprised I didn’t puke my brains out from eating it. I’m glad about that. I have a nearly 20 year streak of not throwing up. The fries were decent though

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  7. Biflag
    Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe  about 5 years ago

    Back in the 60’s I used to frequent Harvey’s in Toronto, nice burger, added topping like they do in Subway. Decent meal for fast food. Fast forward to 2010 at new one in West Edmonton mall. Classic turned out to be like a Walmart patty, like a hockey puck and had the same taste.

    But not as bad as the Burger King on the toll road somewhere between DC and Chicago. That one was so bad that we couldn’t go near a BK for years.

    Bob Evans served us pot roast on a plate that was half swimming in oil. Then we heard on the news two seniors died of food poisoning at different locations.

    OTOH Friendly’s near Plattsburg NY makes a fantastic omelet.

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    WCraft Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Not always…ate at a place last night with 4.5 stars out of 5; 70+ reviews. Apparently, the reviews were all from the owner’s mother using different accounts…

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    TwilightFaze  about 5 years ago

    I have better question: Do you HAVE to work there?

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    craigwestlake  about 5 years ago

    Welcome to American cuisine, all dishes served with a free side of hate…

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    mafastore  about 5 years ago

    When we first moved into our apartment we used to take out Chinese food from a nice little place about a block away – nice family ran the place, husband, wife, son, two younger daughters. (Actually took out before we moved in – I was waiting for the gas co to come and turn on same & picked up lunch there as I could stand outside and see if the gas co came while I was waiting and run to the apartment.)

    We moved 9 years later to a house close by & kept taking out from them. Over the years we saw the youngest daughter in a bicycle accident across the street from our apartment & her dad come running, we saw the children grow up, the father died & son & mom took over, son married & wife joined them, son wanted to work in movie production so his wife and&the older of his sisters were running it with his mom & then that sister went to college in a nearby state & was then there only on weekends. Finally they sold the place to son’s SIL & her husband.

    It continued exactly as before, food the same – just SIL & BIL & we watched their son an& daughter grow up – & their parents come in on Sundays to eat dinner with them. About a week after Hurricane Sandy we noticed that their door was open &went to pick up food – they were cooking in the dark as they used gas to cook &had brought in ice for the food – over an hour wait, but we wait and talked with the other people there about places they had been since the storm – found out where my mom’s house was flooded, but still standing. Basically, the people who ran the place were like good friends & we liked going there – it felt like home.

    Then we went in & the food was different – not good. But their parents seemed to be helping &we figured that was the problem, so we went back. After 4 trips back & the same, we decided that after almost 40 years we had to look elsewhere. We have found other local places and finally settled on one of them, but despite their being a nice friendly family also, it is not the same.

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