One other Greek myth I really hate is the one where the guy gets his liver eaten every day by a hawk or vulture. The ancient Greeks were really vengeful. . .
I wonder if there is any connection to the Egyptian scarab (dung beetle) that rolls the sun up the sky each morning, only to have it roll back down in the afternoon?
wldhrsy2luv about 5 years ago
stairsteppublishing about 5 years ago
Never thought of Sisyphus and Itsy Bitsy Spider in the same breath before but both show determination and Itsy Bitsy Spider is easier to pronounce.
Yakety Sax about 5 years ago
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Unknown
1953Baby about 5 years ago
One other Greek myth I really hate is the one where the guy gets his liver eaten every day by a hawk or vulture. The ancient Greeks were really vengeful. . .
InTraining Premium Member about 5 years ago
Looks like Sisyphus is having a ball….!
ScottPerkins about 5 years ago
For 10 years, this was my job
COL Crash about 5 years ago
Maybe it’s the other way around.
the lost wizard about 5 years ago
I see that he’s still on a roll.
AtariDragon about 5 years ago
I wonder if there is any connection to the Egyptian scarab (dung beetle) that rolls the sun up the sky each morning, only to have it roll back down in the afternoon?
lordhoff about 5 years ago
Hillary Clinton?