Kind of like the time I lured to sleep in front of the stereo speakers with an Environments recording of Bird Songs and then switched it out with “The Language and Music of Wolves”… But cats deserve it. They routinely wake me up at 4 or 5 in the morning to give them breakfast. Then I start the coffee pot and shuffle around to find all the cats missing. And discover them all fast asleep on my bed…
codycab about 5 years ago
You might want to sleep with one eye open tonight, Dean.
Lyons Group, Inc. about 5 years ago
Imagine if that was Cybil.
whahoppened about 5 years ago
We won’t see him in the strip for a few days! Maybe when the bandages come off.
elizabethvshaffer about 5 years ago
Bad form, Dean, bad form.
blunebottle about 5 years ago
sueb1863 about 5 years ago
Seems an oddly cruel thing for Dean to do.
asrialfeeple about 5 years ago
Revenge of the Cat
trainnut1956 about 5 years ago
Kind of like the time I lured to sleep in front of the stereo speakers with an Environments recording of Bird Songs and then switched it out with “The Language and Music of Wolves”… But cats deserve it. They routinely wake me up at 4 or 5 in the morning to give them breakfast. Then I start the coffee pot and shuffle around to find all the cats missing. And discover them all fast asleep on my bed…
Amra Leo about 5 years ago
“The Revenge of Spock”…
ajakimber425 about 5 years ago
And now, Spock’s revenge.
Sakura Tomoe about 5 years ago
Didn’t Spock have a gray muzzle the last time we saw him?
Mr. Organization about 5 years ago
What tune did Dean use to wake Spock? I don’t recognize it, but knowing Dean I feel I should. Premium Member about 5 years ago
They do tend to sleep most of the time…..
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
And Spock’s face is back to normal. Who even knows anymore.