Something tells me that Chip has the holidays off. Because the pastoral green grass theme doesn’t rightly tie in with the recent Santa’s Elves and reindeer theme.
BTW – Squirrels can be pretty tough fighters. Years ago I watched a fox and a red squirrel (fox squirrel to those in the know) fighting for (a.) life itself, from the squirrel’s perspective or (b.) who’s coming to dinner, from the fox’s perspective. I guess you could say the squirrel won, as he escaped with his life. Definitely not a pushover for an adversary the size of a fox. A big Lab, however, would be a different story. So Mom and Dad squirrel have done a pretty good job of selecting their real estate agent, and Louie has, of course, earned still more good Karma.
Bilan about 5 years ago
Somebody still has some leftover Christmas spirit.
allen@home about 5 years ago
Louie gets angry at the squirrels from time to time. He just doesn’t stay angry long. Louie has very big heart.
Dirty Dragon about 5 years ago
Maybe Scratch is looking at the empties on ‘Boxing Day’, but a dog like Louie would naturally prefer to go looking for just the right tree.
jpayne4040 about 5 years ago
Louie doesn’t have a mean bone in his body!
Pet about 5 years ago
Louie must be related to Red’s Rover :))
Smokie about 5 years ago
Louie just brings joy to my heart!!! Thanks, Chip!!!
dcdete. about 5 years ago
Something tells me that Chip has the holidays off. Because the pastoral green grass theme doesn’t rightly tie in with the recent Santa’s Elves and reindeer theme.
Pathfinderman about 5 years ago
If there’s such a thing as being too nice, it’s Louie.
lotsalaffs Premium Member about 5 years ago
That Louie; such a softie at heart.
ocarol7 Premium Member about 5 years ago
Louie’s fan club is HUuuuge, smelly or not-
Charlie Fogwhistle about 5 years ago
BTW – Squirrels can be pretty tough fighters. Years ago I watched a fox and a red squirrel (fox squirrel to those in the know) fighting for (a.) life itself, from the squirrel’s perspective or (b.) who’s coming to dinner, from the fox’s perspective. I guess you could say the squirrel won, as he escaped with his life. Definitely not a pushover for an adversary the size of a fox. A big Lab, however, would be a different story. So Mom and Dad squirrel have done a pretty good job of selecting their real estate agent, and Louie has, of course, earned still more good Karma.
rgcviper about 5 years ago
I’m with the crowd—Louie is just the best, and I can’t picture him being mean to anyone!
Good Evening, Crew.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 5 years ago
Louie has a big heart. Good evening Crew!