When I worked for a publisher that printed some controversial books, we loved it when people bought the books only to destroy them in protest. We all got paid, the retailers would order more of these “great sellers” from our distributors, and we’d get to print up a mess of “Second Huge Printings” to cover the “Sold Out” run. Everyone won.
Ida No almost 5 years ago
Hmm. I write a lot. Maybe I’m writing for the wrong market…
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Love and hate are two sides of the same coin. The real opposite is indifference.
GaryCooper almost 5 years ago
I don’t think that alignment of cogs can turn.
sperry532 almost 5 years ago
When I worked for a publisher that printed some controversial books, we loved it when people bought the books only to destroy them in protest. We all got paid, the retailers would order more of these “great sellers” from our distributors, and we’d get to print up a mess of “Second Huge Printings” to cover the “Sold Out” run. Everyone won.
garcalej almost 5 years ago
Moral of the story……when you truly love something, that love can sustain you, whereas hate can only feed off itself.
Olddog1 almost 5 years ago
Only restaurant in the city?