The more mysteries we solve, the more we find that need solving. Or the stars want us to keep to ourselves for now. Okay, they want Liö to keep to _him_self.
That’s until Elon Musk finishes polluting the cosmos with his 10K cluster of satellites So he can “deliver” the internet to anywhere in the world. Astronomers are F_ _ KING PISSED because these micro satellites are blocking or hiding stars and constellations from being studied or new discoveries.
Templo S.U.D. about 5 years ago
words are flowing like endless rain inside a paper cup
rekam Premium Member about 5 years ago
Love Lio’s expression in the last panel.
!!ǝlɐ⅁ about 5 years ago
The more mysteries we solve, the more we find that need solving. Or the stars want us to keep to ourselves for now. Okay, they want Liö to keep to _him_self.
Radish... about 5 years ago
Keeping you trapped in Earth’s gravity well is the universes way of keeping you out.
jagedlo about 5 years ago
looks like the universe has an attitude today!
enigmamz about 5 years ago
Astronomers are nothing but Peeping Toms!! There, I said it!!!!
Especially the ones named Tom.
rshive about 5 years ago
That’s alien-speak for “Keep off the lawn!”
Sisyphos about 5 years ago
Astro advice for the snoopy Earthling! Can you dig the stars, Lio?
j.l.farmer about 5 years ago
some mysteries should be left to the imagination.
Airbender about 5 years ago
ET hath spoken!
WCraft Premium Member about 5 years ago
No worries about that changing anytime soon.
kathybear about 5 years ago
Something out there has a microscope on Lio. Otherwise, how on Earth (literally) are they knowing what he is reading?
xaingo about 5 years ago
I’m impressed Lio can see into space in broad daylight with that telescope.
Stephen Gilberg about 5 years ago
The ancient mindset was to celebrate mysteries rather than solve them.
Bicycle Dude about 5 years ago
That’s until Elon Musk finishes polluting the cosmos with his 10K cluster of satellites So he can “deliver” the internet to anywhere in the world. Astronomers are F_ _ KING PISSED because these micro satellites are blocking or hiding stars and constellations from being studied or new discoveries.
Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.