For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for February 18, 2020

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 5 years ago

    that’s parenthood with an adolescent for you

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    capricorn9th  about 5 years ago

    I don’t know why but parents are always surprised that their kids grew up. I know I was when my boys suddenly became little men and I asked myself where were those two cute button nosed boys? Gone forever.

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    Baarorso  about 5 years ago

    I honestly wonder what’s harder for a parent-raising the kid or knowing when to let go when the time is right.

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    asrialfeeple  about 5 years ago

    When to let yout children go 
 from the top of a tall building.

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    ajr58  about 5 years ago

    Old age and treachery will continue to overcome youth and exuberance

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    flagmichael Premium Member about 5 years ago

    When our boys turned 13 I gave each of them a talk about personal responsibility, the good and bad, easy and hard. The upshot was that they were getting more freedom (Horrible, horrible freedom! – Space Ants in the SImpsons) and more responsibility for what they do. At 18 there was another talk about age of consent. I managed to stay ahead of their development curve but not my own aging curve. I left our daughter’s progress to my wife. I had no concept where the path was going once she turned 12 or why there was so much drama.

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    I suspect it is a shock to arrive at that day when you want to spank your kid for being bad and he, or she, won’t let you and you can’t. You have to move on to the murky art of psychological warfare to get to them.

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    Snolep  about 5 years ago

    Sunrise, Sunset.

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    dv1093  about 5 years ago

    I have a friend at work who’s concerned that his 17 year old son hasn’t “discovered” girls yet. No interest – at all. I think he’d trade places with John’s problem.

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    tcumming  about 5 years ago

    I was told you put bricks in their back pockets to slow them down enough so you can catch them. And a cinder block on their shoulder to slow down their growing ‘up’. Looking like a hunchback helps with some of the other things they might grow into.

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    donwestonmysteries  about 5 years ago

    Take orders from his father? Bwahaaha

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    howtheduck  about 5 years ago

    His complaint is that Michael kissed Martha in front of him. What does this mean?:

    1. At younger ages, boys and girls are supposed to do their kissing in private and not in front of their parents

    2. Kissing your girlfriend in front of a parent is a declaration that the boy has become a man

    3. Public displays of affection are considered to be the actions of the lower social class and Michael has been raised better than that

    4. Boys’ and girls’ kissing is forbidden and is only allowed when both partners have passed the age of consent or are engaged or at least married and possibly have had a few children.

    5. John is completely oblivious to his son, since Michael has been going out late at night with this girl for over 2 years now and kissing is the least of what they have been doing.

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  13. Foob
    Foob  about 5 years ago

    If Michael were my son, I’d ship him off to spend some time working on a farm. Those two kids obviously need to be separated for a while.

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    rick92040  about 5 years ago

    OK. Someone is going to start sinning “Cats in the cradle” any time now.

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    Slatsmagee I  about 5 years ago

    Welcome to the real world, John

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    Sailor46 USN 65-95  about 5 years ago

    Don’t grow up, it’s a trap!

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    bucker39 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    A relative of mine said about his son (6-5 , 300 lb, 16 yr.), when he thinks he can whip my butt, he can stop eating my groceries. I still wonder if he thought that would really work like that

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    fix-n-fly  about 5 years ago

    I may not be as fast as I once was, but I am as fast for once as I ever was

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    rebelstrike0  about 5 years ago

    If Martha’s father had seen what John saw, this strip would be aboot Michael having a boot in his butt.

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