100 years ago a Serbian by the name of Milankovitch told us what to expect and why. It makes common sense, that’s probably why the media is’t doesn’t talk about it.
Well, boys, the Chicxulub Impact raised the carbon dioxide levels and created a hot-house that killed the dinosaurs and now humans have done that on their own… so we are next…!
how about we stop arguing about if we made climate change or not and just reduce pollution because it is the right thing to do. Let’s start with simple things like not littering and picking up after your dogs.
cabalonrye about 5 years ago
Yep, even the Australians are laughing. Australian coal owners, I mean.
TXWit Premium Member about 5 years ago
100 years ago a Serbian by the name of Milankovitch told us what to expect and why. It makes common sense, that’s probably why the media is’t doesn’t talk about it.
InTraining Premium Member about 5 years ago
Well, boys, the Chicxulub Impact raised the carbon dioxide levels and created a hot-house that killed the dinosaurs and now humans have done that on their own… so we are next…!
car2ner about 5 years ago
how about we stop arguing about if we made climate change or not and just reduce pollution because it is the right thing to do. Let’s start with simple things like not littering and picking up after your dogs.
Sisyphos about 5 years ago
Vast quantities of “hot air” and humbuggery, precious little truth….