Birdbrains by Thom Bluemel for May 07, 2021

  1. Frog4
    Digital Frog  almost 4 years ago

    It’s a bug, eat it!

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  2. Unnamed  1
    Doctor Toon  almost 4 years ago

    You know I like the red one

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  3. Img 1612
    Zebrastripes  almost 4 years ago

    Does this make me look fat or what?

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  4. Pexels pixabay 278823
    Doug K  almost 4 years ago

    The hands remind me of a “salt creature” from “The Man Trap” episode of Star Trek. She could change her form to look like “other people”. She would hypnotize her “prey”, attach her suckers, and then suck the salt (and life) out of her victim.

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  5. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  almost 4 years ago

    Shouldn’t he be purple?

    (the people on the door think so)

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  6. My favorite finn photo
    maureenmck Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    The rooster’s terrified expression upon seeing his love’s new form brought to mind the third segment from 1990’s “Tales From the Darkside: The Movie”, titled “Lover’s Vow”. It starred James Remar as Preston, a struggling artist, who witnesses a horrific gargoyle come to life, as the gargoyle decapitates another witness. Preston tries to escape, but the gargoyle corners him, and tells him it will not kill him if he swears to never tell anyone what he saw. He is allowed to leave, and then, a few minutes later, sees the beautiful Carola (Rae Dawn Chong), who claims to be lost. Instant attraction – they fall in love, get married, and have two children. 10 years later, Preston‘s career has flourished, and he and his family are happy, but he can’t stop thinking about his narrow escape from the gargoyle. He loves Carola and trusts her, and so tells her about that night 10 years ago. You may be able to guess how the story ends.The other segments are also fantastic and feature an all-star cast.

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  7. Missing large
    gammaguy  almost 4 years ago

    Was expecting a sofa.

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  8. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  almost 4 years ago

    Really cool-looking green creature here. I bet it took a long time to draw, too.

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