Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for January 13, 2020

  1. Motog 001 zpsrt2p5zhy 1
    poppet bear  about 5 years ago

    It’s snowing here in my neck of the woods, how are my fellow PNW-ers doing? Really hope it stops soon as the locals are bad at driving in it :(

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  2. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  about 5 years ago

    Nothing in Seattle now.

    Wish I had a friend like Bluebell to help me do nothin’.

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    LastRoseOfSummer 1 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Nothing is my new favorite thing to do.

    After packing what seemed like a 30 room house, it’s nice to sit and look at Pinterest all afternoon.

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    laughingkitty  about 5 years ago

    I wish I had more time to do nothing. And I wouldn’t even ask anyone to help me.

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    laughingkitty  about 5 years ago

    Today is:

    National Rubber Ducky Day.

    National Clean off Your Desk Day. Not a bad idea. I have a bit of clutter on my desk right now which I could do without.

    National Sticker Day

    National Peach Melba Day. Odd time for that – peaches aren’t in season. At least not here they’re not.

    Korean American Day

    Stephan Foster Memorial Day

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    laughingkitty  about 5 years ago

    My sweet little Dolly died yesterday while I was at work. I knew she was close to death when I left and I so badly wished I could stay home and be with her at the end. I was certain she would die while I was gone. From the day I first felt the lump on her head a couple days before Christmas, I had a strong suspicion it was cancer. And I had a dreadful feeling that I had maybe 6 weeks left with her before she died. I don’t know what made me think that, but I did. As it turns out, she didn’t even last that long. She only lasted 3 weeks. The day I took her to the vet, she weighed around 4 and a half pounds. I weighed her body tonight and she was down to 3.4 pounds. Granted, she was a tiny cat, but her healthy weight was around 7 pounds. I can take some comfort knowing she is no longer in pain, but it’s been hard for me all week seeing her going downhill and seeing that lump on her head continue to get larger. That was quite an aggressive cancer she had! Now she’s gone and while she’s at peace, I’m still in agony over her loss. From the first moment I discovered her in my garage 11 years ago, she had my heart. Now she’s left footprints on my heart and I’ll miss her a lot. I already miss her. RIP sweet little Dolly.

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  7. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  about 5 years ago

    Monday Cats!!

    BMCV!!#1 – Sound on for these two.






















    Bonus Bunnies For Monday!!!











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    gadenbaby (aka LadyKat)  about 5 years ago

    (aka LadyKat) It’s nice to have someone to sit down next to you to do nothing with you.

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  9. Booboo
    bbear  about 5 years ago

    BBEAR’s Monday posts:

    1. A short cute kitten rescue video: This new Honda Civic came with an unexpected option. (The kitten was there for a week.)


    2. Good morning. Are you ready for Monday?


    3. A cat in a box post: this kitty was exploring, got stuck, and decided to take a nap.


    4. A cute kitten post: this kitten wants you to know that he’s just resting his eyes.


    5. You never know when and where a nap attack will strike.


    6. Falling asleep is a one-step process for these cuddlebugs.


    7. This napping cat can’t be comfy!


    8. This cat just wanted to see if there was a fishie in the bowl of water. He got more than he bargained for.


    9. If there is one thing I love the most about cats, it’s the faces they pull. They wear their emotions so clearly on their faces. (His human is petting a dog.)


    10. This kitty doesn’t want to be seen with John in a picture.


    11. Cat: Oh, that’s not an ice-cream. What is this horrible catastrophe and how do I get it out of my mouth?


    12. A catitude post: “You got me wet, you feed me twice tonight Sarah.”


    13. When a cat chooses you..


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  10. Jettink
    Neal Janzen Premium Member about 5 years ago

    All who come here share your grief. Just know that we are with you and in time you will think of her and smile…peace.

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  11. Chai
    Perkycat  about 5 years ago

    So just another day at the warehouse for these two.

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  12. Img 0980
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 5 years ago

    I had to go to town today. Otherwise, that is my plan for the rest of the day.

    My neck has been stiff for about a week now, so after i got home i took a muscle relaxer and i’m going to nap a bit.

    Nothing, with my dog and cat, for the rest of the day.

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    eladee AKA Wally  about 5 years ago

    I am so sorry. Godspeed to your Sweet Dolly and may you find comfort and peace.

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    tad1  about 5 years ago

    Great pictures today. :)

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    tad1  about 5 years ago

    Sometimes doing nothing is the best thing to do. It’s nice to see Bluebell hanging out with Oliver. On another note, saw some towhees while out walking today. Also saw a hummingbird, believe it or not. You wouldn’t expect to see a hummingbird in the winter, among the snow and ice, but there one was, buzzing about. I hope it’s okay.

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