Endtown by Aaron Neathery for January 27, 2020

  1. Photo
    BlimmoD.Clown  about 5 years ago

    That Topsider was not having that sh*t. When did they get self awareness?!

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    MikeJ  about 5 years ago

    THIS time? They’re familiar with It?

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Clockwork … always so delicate…

    So is armageddon delayed? Somewhere? Somewhen?

    Stay tuned, stay confused, stay hooked …

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  4. Bluedoorwaylogo1400
    WorldFusionRadio.com  about 5 years ago

    This time? Well that’s telling.

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  5. Tamandua walkies
    crookedwolf Premium Member about 5 years ago

    “I’m sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed”..

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  6. Image
    Vet Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Containment activated! When the off switch doesn’t work just jam a a large heavy object into the mechanisms.

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  7. Mr bullterrier
    Mr. E. Bullterrier  about 5 years ago

    Meanwhile, back in crazy Flying-Whales-Land:

    Doc: Err, Cat? Do you enjoy fishing, sailing and long walks on the beach?

    Wally: What the… Not particularly, no.

    Doc: Well, in that case I have bad news and then some objectively worse news.

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  8. Idano
    Ida No  about 5 years ago

    That’s the thing about Dr. Amesworth, compared to the other Topsiders. She radiates confidence.

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  9. Blindspot
    salenstormwing  about 5 years ago

    This is why it’s important to know where your nearest fire extinguisher is in case of a fire/monster/monster-fire/fire-monster/cthulhu…

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  10. Wally
    LightWarriorK  about 5 years ago

    Apex Industries, Code of Operations

    I. Departmental Protocols

    A. R&D

    1) Inter-dimensional Experimentation

    a) Dealing with the Hungry Thing in the Void

    - All operatives should know the proper procedures for dealing with the entity calling itself God, One, or I. It may have features similar to a raccoon, but more likely it’ll just assume some eldritch shape suitable for murdering/eating you.

    - In the event it attempts ingress into your current reality matrix, take all necessary action to close down any and all nearby portals. In the event that standard shutdown is impossible, you have been provided with a fire extinguisher to chuck into the portal. In the event that your fire extinguisher is unavailable, any nearby object of similar weight and density should serve. Please report the missing fire extinguisher to your supervisor if you survive.

    - If the portal successfully collapses, immediately report the incident to your supervisor, and assess damages and appropriately dock your own wages. Please note the specific portal configuration and circumstances that allowed the entity to discover you, and NEVER replicate the results again. Repeated encounters with the entity will result in official reprimands, or more likely your gruesome death.

    - In the event that the entity completes ingress and you are confronted with it, please feel free to attempt resistance, as it will give others time to flee. Official response to its advance should be to crouch down, place your head between your legs, and kiss your butt goodbye.

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  11. Gocomic 2c
    RickD Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Ah. So they have met. I wonder how the Apex techs define “Eye”.

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  12. Gocomic 2c
    RickD Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Fire extinguisher training at the Apex experimental facility at Eden is apparently a bit different than what I got. Normally it’s P.A.S.S. —Pull the trigger locking pin. Aim the nozzle. Squeeze the trigger. Sweep nozzle across the base of the fire. Apex has added Throw at spitzensparking equipment. Maybe only in the event of pesky cross-dimensional creepy manifestations.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member about 5 years ago

    I guess Doc Amesworth was the only gearhead of the group.

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  14. Video snapshot
    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Don’t forget Amesworth knows someone with a dimensionometer - Marx.


    (fourth panel)

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  15. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  about 5 years ago

    Yeah… I’m sure she’ll be happy to hear that.

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  16. Albino turtle 2
    boydpercy Premium Member about 5 years ago

    The needs of many outweigh the needs of one.

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  17. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 5 years ago

    Since Duffy fight and the appearance of the several topsiders, I have had trouble tracking the story. The unremarked appearance of the others and the lack of Knowledge about Duffy eating the fish creature, or not, has bamboozled me.How can you tell that Dr. Amesworth is one of the new people that arrived?

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  18. Pictures 087
    Baarorso  about 5 years ago

    I wonder if the voice calling from the voice is Jim’s (rememer him? the man turned raccoon that went batcap insane due to schism syndrome?).

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    TylerColtraine  about 5 years ago

    “This time”?

    Does this mean they’ve lost other sites to this phenomenon…

    …they’ve been lost to it before and somehow sprung back…

    …or perhaps other versions of them have been absorbed and the Amesworth machine lets them know as it’s happening.

    Curiouser and curiouser.

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