Welcome to the world of co-pays and where insurance covers this percentage of the doctor’s fee and you’re responsible for the rest. And possibly as happened to my brother-in-law and nephew, the hospital neglects to send you a bill for that amount and a couple of years later, you end up owing two or three times in credit fees on the original.
Good pont. That is why we should pay routine medical costs out of pocket. After reaching about $2,500, insurance should pay 100% of all medical bills. That is the basis of a low premium, high deductible health plan. Sadly, Obamacare hurt those too. He endeded up converting them to be HIGH preimium along with the high deductible too.
Poor Carmen is getting a taste of what many elderly people live with every day; medical care (including medications) or food and shelter? I want to throw something at the TV screen when I hear an ad telling the consumer, “If you cannot afford your medication. . . .”
We forget how medical care was once a public service to benefit society without being a burden. Now like everything else, it’s been privatized into a ‘for profit’ business. People wanted to become doctors cause they expected to become wealthy not necessarily cause they cared about their patients. Patients see nurses and nurse practitioners more than they see a doctor these days.
This is what the Gops wanted—for people to keep their “insurance” which collected those reasonable premiums and in return gave you nothing much at all. Junk plans that Obama tried to eliminate, but the dolts who bought the junk plans couldn’t see past the lower premiums to a day when they’d ever actually need health care.
The Gop plan: You’re soaking in it, Carmen, and what a soaking you are getting.
Cheapskate0 almost 5 years ago
Good grief. Stantis sounds like a Bernie Bro!
But Carmen’s right, though.
Or is that left? Right? Left, right, left! Hep toop threep fourp….
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Welcome to the world of co-pays and where insurance covers this percentage of the doctor’s fee and you’re responsible for the rest. And possibly as happened to my brother-in-law and nephew, the hospital neglects to send you a bill for that amount and a couple of years later, you end up owing two or three times in credit fees on the original.
Ain’t capitalism GRRRRRRRRRRRRR …..ATE !?!?!?!?
braindead Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Carmen, what do you think all those lobbyists are for, anyway?
And the Republican (now the Party of Trump) Supreme Court has agreed to render the ACA completely unconstitutional, shortly after the election.
Not to worry though. We have the greatest health care in the world.
The Messiah said so.
Sanspareil almost 5 years ago
Why is Carmen so pro socialism right now??
Doesn’t she realize that what she wants will end up as Venezuela??? /s
Ignatz Premium Member almost 5 years ago
That’s what happens when your health is governed by the profit motive. You’ll pay anything, and they know it.
Brain Pudding almost 5 years ago
Good pont. That is why we should pay routine medical costs out of pocket. After reaching about $2,500, insurance should pay 100% of all medical bills. That is the basis of a low premium, high deductible health plan. Sadly, Obamacare hurt those too. He endeded up converting them to be HIGH preimium along with the high deductible too.
Doctor Toon almost 5 years ago
I have health insurance through work that is reasonably good and affordable by today’s standards
I do sincerely wish I could afford to use it
realexander almost 5 years ago
Medicare has premiums, coinsurance, and deductibles too.
Bookworm almost 5 years ago
Poor Carmen is getting a taste of what many elderly people live with every day; medical care (including medications) or food and shelter? I want to throw something at the TV screen when I hear an ad telling the consumer, “If you cannot afford your medication. . . .”
ndblackirish97 almost 5 years ago
We forget how medical care was once a public service to benefit society without being a burden. Now like everything else, it’s been privatized into a ‘for profit’ business. People wanted to become doctors cause they expected to become wealthy not necessarily cause they cared about their patients. Patients see nurses and nurse practitioners more than they see a doctor these days.
Kip W almost 5 years ago
This is what the Gops wanted—for people to keep their “insurance” which collected those reasonable premiums and in return gave you nothing much at all. Junk plans that Obama tried to eliminate, but the dolts who bought the junk plans couldn’t see past the lower premiums to a day when they’d ever actually need health care.
The Gop plan: You’re soaking in it, Carmen, and what a soaking you are getting.
dlaemmerhirt999 almost 5 years ago
Welcome to ’Murica, dear Carmen. YOUR party is responsible for this.
streetbeater almost 5 years ago
Screw you, Carmen. You’re out of network. Better luck next time.
Fondest regards, your health insurance company.
Plods with ...™ almost 5 years ago
Thank goodness I have 2.
w2lj almost 5 years ago
There’s always a co-pay.
russef almost 5 years ago
The young Republican means “I don’t got it’.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 5 years ago
Co pays are when you get insurance but still have to pay below a certain price. So they get you coming and going without any joy out of it.
James Lindley Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Copays have been a fact of life for a long time.
Andylit Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Nearly all plans worldwide have deductibles, co-pays, cost sharing, etc, etc, etc.
And nearly all of us understand this and have lived with it all our lives.
rossevrymn almost 5 years ago
I’m for the type of medical coverage I had in the military.