@Number Three Today’s strip IS funny Our HERO MR Andrew Capp ‘s complaints about his shower proof suit shrinking does not include falling into the canal , but Andy wants to con the tailor into thinking it’s irrelevant :o) my avatar is an unfurled Maltese flag which means that my problems are getting resolved , how was your day ? ours should be busy but calm I hope but total shutdown of everything because of the expletives in 4 languages virus id making us feel like prisoners in our own home :o{ BCNU pal
Today’s strip reminds me of Harold Lloyd’s “Lonesome Luke” character from before his famous “glasses” character. Lonesome Luke was similar to Chaplin’s tramp but his clothing was too small (as is the case here) whereas the Tramp’s clothes were too large.
Whoever said “The customer is always right” needs shooting. Obviously not referring to today’s strip but what’s currently happening in the world right now.
I just can’t imagine how much abuse supermarket workers are getting.
Templo S.U.D. almost 5 years ago
What’s YOUR excuse, Andy? Rain doesn’t seem to make a good alibi to me.
AFFICIONADO almost 5 years ago
@Number Three Today’s strip IS funny Our HERO MR Andrew Capp ‘s complaints about his shower proof suit shrinking does not include falling into the canal , but Andy wants to con the tailor into thinking it’s irrelevant :o) my avatar is an unfurled Maltese flag which means that my problems are getting resolved , how was your day ? ours should be busy but calm I hope but total shutdown of everything because of the expletives in 4 languages virus id making us feel like prisoners in our own home :o{ BCNU pal
rshive almost 5 years ago
The guy knows his customers.
tero.miettinen almost 5 years ago
Even if Andy is always broke he still buys tailor made suits… style before pint.
Calvinist1966 almost 5 years ago
Today’s strip reminds me of Harold Lloyd’s “Lonesome Luke” character from before his famous “glasses” character. Lonesome Luke was similar to Chaplin’s tramp but his clothing was too small (as is the case here) whereas the Tramp’s clothes were too large.
petermerck almost 5 years ago
Don’t worry sir. It’ll ride down with wear.
Michael G. almost 5 years ago
Have all those dips in the canal rendered A.C. immune to all diseases? Hm …
Wizard of Ahz-no relation almost 5 years ago
Is this ’ow Andy is going to spend ’is time if the pubs are closed?
mike75035 almost 5 years ago
I thought George Costanza was the prime example for “shrinkage”.
Huckleberry Hiroshima almost 5 years ago
First class hat, he has; never seems to shrink.. or even float away.
57BelAir almost 5 years ago
Not sure the Tailor has an argument, if fit shrinks from getting wet, it’s not showerproof. I’m not laughing at this one.
Godfreydaniel almost 5 years ago
Old joke: “I sent a nail to my laundry, and dared them to shrink THAT. They sent me back a thumb tack and said, ‘We did!’”
Number Three almost 5 years ago
It’s your own fault, Andy.
Whoever said “The customer is always right” needs shooting. Obviously not referring to today’s strip but what’s currently happening in the world right now.
I just can’t imagine how much abuse supermarket workers are getting.
Number Three almost 5 years ago
I’m not self isolating because I’m not ill. Obviously I would if I started showing symptoms.
Hope you are managing OK over there in Malta.
tad1 almost 5 years ago
Lucky for Andy there are no snapping turtles in the canal.
Sherlock5 11 months ago
There was no “chance” involved. With Andy, it’s an eventual certainty.