Wow! Eno must be feeling bad. The boss offered a ‘go home’ and he volunteered for a stay in his work hidey hole. Call an ambulance. Stat!(What the heck does stat really stand for? I know it means ‘immediately’. I used ASAP for immediately in the Corps.)
allen@home almost 5 years ago
Shouldn’t give your hiding places away,Eno. Now they will know where to look.
Yontrop almost 5 years ago
At first I thought he may have caught a mistake that would have cost the company a lot of money. Then I remembered this is Eno.
Doug Taylor Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Eno’s so slow he couldn’t even catch a cold!
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Wow! Eno must be feeling bad. The boss offered a ‘go home’ and he volunteered for a stay in his work hidey hole. Call an ambulance. Stat!(What the heck does stat really stand for? I know it means ‘immediately’. I used ASAP for immediately in the Corps.)
cuzinron47 almost 5 years ago
No, GO HOME! You’re polluting our air.
the lost wizard almost 5 years ago
A nice tall cold beer should fix everything.