Have you seen the statue lately? She’s not looking good. In fact, she looks kind of green. I think it’s because she’s been holding up her arm for over a century. Her fingers have got to be tingling. And what about that BO?” I fan my free hand under my armpit for emphasis. “Whoo! Somebody sign this poor lady up for a new deodorant.
Nate and the others poked their heads over the wall and got a glimpse of life outside the maze. Then “the man”—or in this case, “the woman”—dragged them back in.
I’m sort of sad that we don’t get to see this arc properly resolved. I mean, yay, Mr. Rosa got his job back, but I really wish we’d seen exactly how the town council was convinced.
Hey, who would you guys like to come back to Big Nate? My vote goes to Angie Nate’s GF. Also, do you think COVID-19 is lonely? Say hello darkness my old friend ._. if you agree
jacobdylanbloom over 4 years ago
hi guys if you could bring back anyone who would it be?
retrocool over 4 years ago
geez, Godfrey’s acting like Gov. Tom Wolf
ND Cool Z over 4 years ago
She still got the power!!
phreak91 over 4 years ago
As a social studies teacher, you would think Ms. Godfrey might be proud of her students for involving themselves in a thing like this…
Nate's The Greatest! over 4 years ago
They do indeed have power, but only when they’re allowed to.
jpayne4040 over 4 years ago
It’s more than you realize, but it’s still not a lot.
ThatManBatman over 4 years ago
What is the difference between GoComics Premium and Normal GoComics?
PinkYoshiFan over 4 years ago
I’d say “influence”
Drip God over 4 years ago
Umm… how come all of a sudden dee dee sits behind Nate in social studies instead of gina
david_42 over 4 years ago
“Despite all my rage, I’m still just a rat in a cage.” Weird Al
Mr. Stark over 4 years ago
Mrs. Godfrey is a jerk!
Jimmyk939 over 4 years ago
To paraphrase the poet, What you gain on the roundabouts you lose on the swings.
Durak Premium Member over 4 years ago
No,no, no. Sorry kids. Individually you have no power. Collectively you are unstoppable. But “they” don’t want you to know that.
Pokémon changer ranger over 4 years ago
Have you seen the statue lately? She’s not looking good. In fact, she looks kind of green. I think it’s because she’s been holding up her arm for over a century. Her fingers have got to be tingling. And what about that BO?” I fan my free hand under my armpit for emphasis. “Whoo! Somebody sign this poor lady up for a new deodorant.
UvU over 4 years ago
I guess da power of Chad can’t defeat Mrs. Godfrey. :(
GarfieldMN over 4 years ago
More boring talk.
orbenjawell Premium Member over 4 years ago
Consoling someone….hey, you asked………
orbenjawell Premium Member over 4 years ago
You’ve heard of The Rats Of NIMH….well, these poor yobs are two of The Rats Of NUMB……….
hickian over 4 years ago
Roblox I know it’s not console but
UvU over 4 years ago
It was May Almost two WEEKs ago.,,ԾㅂԾ,,
Saddenedby Premium Member over 4 years ago
did anybody see a white rabbit????
megaguy over 4 years ago
Can anyone see this
jackianne1020 over 4 years ago
Nate and the others poked their heads over the wall and got a glimpse of life outside the maze. Then “the man”—or in this case, “the woman”—dragged them back in.
CyborgNinja over 4 years ago
maybe they should get rid of Mrs. Godfrey instead lol.
hickian over 4 years ago
How do u get featured?
Silica Gel over 4 years ago
If this week’s arc is about the kids revolting against Mrs. Godfrey, I am in.
Cool-weirdvlogz over 4 years ago
Or no
Paige Fox From Foxtrot over 4 years ago
Since when does dee dee sit behind Nate in Godfrey’s class?
Qui-Gon Jinn over 4 years ago
I’m sort of sad that we don’t get to see this arc properly resolved. I mean, yay, Mr. Rosa got his job back, but I really wish we’d seen exactly how the town council was convinced.
Pizza_lover over 4 years ago
she sure has a lot of power.
Miss Muffin over 4 years ago
Hey, who would you guys like to come back to Big Nate? My vote goes to Angie Nate’s GF. Also, do you think COVID-19 is lonely? Say hello darkness my old friend ._. if you agree
GreggW Premium Member over 4 years ago
This explains the college student revolts in the 1960s.
the dumb nerd(anti poll) over 4 years ago
Reply If you like 2k20
the dumb nerd(anti poll) over 4 years ago
You are darn wrong Dee Dee.
the dumb nerd(anti poll) over 4 years ago
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colinlau333 over 4 years ago
im new he but ive read most of the comic strips
Smokescreen1000 over 4 years ago
What do you guys consider spamming
Nathan_plays over 4 years ago
mario games
Greatest Tennis Player Ever who also likes comics over 4 years ago
Sir Martin Wright ||| about 4 years ago
they should have said to get rid of social studies
Matthias almost 4 years ago
don’t hate me for this, but f*** you mrs godzilla.
Alfyn Greengrass over 3 years ago
Students have no power.
BishDaFish over 3 years ago
in my school students have no voice
ImnotMrBeast over 1 year ago
Permission to talk, what’s next, permission to breathe?
STUFF ENJOYER 10 months ago
What power?