A 99 years old WWII veteran in the UK decided to walk 100 times the length of his garden to gather money for the NHS. He was looking for £1000. When he reached the 100th length he had a honour guard from his old regiment and the donations had reached £30 million. Yard runs are good.
Childhood days around parents house yard is unforgettable. Rose is lucky her mom still leaves in the same house. Our parents had transferrable job, and we miss the childhood house.
Cheapskate0 almost 5 years ago
This one really leaves me torn.
Mee Maw – my all time favorite character
And our desperate need to escape reality
And yet, no acknowledgement of our new reality
Don’t know how far we should go
Not even sure I’m asking the right questions.
stairsteppublishing almost 5 years ago
Mee Maw seems to have put on more weight.
jagedlo almost 5 years ago
The return of Little Rosie!
cabalonrye almost 5 years ago
A 99 years old WWII veteran in the UK decided to walk 100 times the length of his garden to gather money for the NHS. He was looking for £1000. When he reached the 100th length he had a honour guard from his old regiment and the donations had reached £30 million. Yard runs are good.
Grace Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Sigh, this one hurts right now. I miss my kids and grandkids SOOO much.
vanaals almost 5 years ago
If a good lean on the “let it be” tree, under a full moon, doesn’t do the trick. A run around mom’s yard will help.
bakana almost 5 years ago
30 seconds later, MeeMaw joined Rose in Running around the yard because She could never resist, either …
hagarthehorrible almost 5 years ago
Childhood days around parents house yard is unforgettable. Rose is lucky her mom still leaves in the same house. Our parents had transferrable job, and we miss the childhood house.