Bad Machinery by John Allison for August 06, 2024

  1. 9e7605ed a544 4590 9007 5a0413858537
    What ever  7 months ago

    Amy scored that “Jonathan Gash” right from under Mad Terry’s nose, but she needed to use her Doopler to create the distractions necessary to pull it off.

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  2. Selkiedad
    John Campbell  7 months ago

    Doesn’t seem like something that you’d see so often that it would need a special name.

    Amy’s magic powers were a plot point in “Chilton Takes Charge”, the Scary Go Round storyline where she first opened Bric-a-Brac, and it was then burned down by an angry mob incited by the old ladies who were running the place in the dark timeline. Walt was born in the winter after “Forked Road”, so Amy’s been running sans powers for about a year and a half now.

    That last panel features “Chilton Takes Charge”-era Amy, down to the electric-blue tights. The guy behind her is colleague, rival, and one-time baffling crush Lovelace, who is amoral and opportunistic enough to have looted the valuables from the original Bric-a-Brac while it was burning down, using the excuse that he was rescuing Melanie (whom we most recently saw as the waitress at Bank of Burgers when Shauna met her biodad there), who was trapped inside. (Ryan actually rescued Melanie.) We’ll see Lovelace again.

    The toy table features, along with what appears to be Jar-Jar Binks and Shrek dolls, a toy of Nemulon, the time-traveling robot from Destroy History (I’d refer you to that, but it’s currently down because John Allison’s sites got hit with a malware attack a few weeks ago, and while it’s on the list of things he’s promised to restore to the scarygoround site, it’s not on the schedule for a couple more weeks), and one of the horrifying Eggo dolls that featured in “Christmas with the Fishman”, which was the holiday-break vignette that ran between the July 30th strip (which was the last of 2015) and the July 31st strip (the first of 2016). Mildred had a cameo. Krampus had a much larger part.

    Also, of course, cameos by Mad Terry and Bumblebee.

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  3. Gigi head
    ClaytonEmery1  7 months ago

    “Pushed out with the placenta.” I’m gonna predict Shauna figures out her kid inherited her power. Mom passed the power at birth.

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  4. Martini glass blue
    RadioDial Premium Member 7 months ago

    ..just this time around noticed the multiple Amy’s..

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  5. Notatroll
    Whatever happened to common sense?  7 months ago

    Shauna needs to stay away from Amy.

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    scyphi26  7 months ago

    …does Mad Terry never age or something? He looks exactly the same then as he would now.

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  7. Photo
    GaryCooper  7 months ago

    A “divvy” (or “divvie”) apparently is antique dealers’ jargon for a person with an uncanny ability to spot valuable items. (Jonathan Gash uses the term in his “Lovejoy” series of novels.)

    But I don’t get the “placenta” joke. If it is a joke.

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  8. 20141112 192913
    Aladar30 Premium Member 7 months ago

    Awww…. Amy’s sincere hug while Shauna is thinking that the thief is her brother. Poor Shauna.

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