Bad Machinery by John Allison for February 19, 2025

  1. Large thorkellsigcopie
    Pharmakeus Ubik  3 days ago

    The totality of her evil is wholly at her discretion. Love the decor.

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  2. Selkiedad
    John Campbell  3 days ago

    There was a deleted strip that led into this one, which I think was cut because of too much Shelley Winters content. It was a single-row, five-panel strip, and originally ran between yesterday’s strip and the day before.

    Panel 1 (Lottie sitting on a bench in the Grote garden, looking at her buzzing phone):

    LOTTIE: “Number withheld. Hm. Time for some artisan SHORT SHRIFT.”

    Panel 2 (elsewhere, a vague figure in chiaroscuro talks on the phone):

    LOTTIE (over phone): “Hallo?”

    FIGURE: “Copper Edge Self Store in an hour. Don’t be late.”

    Panel 3 (Grote garden, Lottie on her phone):

    LOTTIE: “Is this LILY LIMPWRIST of the Easthampton Limpwrists? How’s dear old STRAUB?”

    Panel 4 (back to the figure, but in full color, revealing that it’s Erin Winters, in her sister Shelley’s kitchen. Shelley herself, about six months pregnant, has appeared behind Erin, holding up a saucepan and soup container):

    SHELLEY: “Do you want soup for lunch?”

    ERIN (aside, to Shelley): “It’s much too hot for soup, you pervert!”

    Panel 5 (Grote garden):

    LOTTIE: “Erin, this sinister phone call is in the bottom three of all time. You own that now.”

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  3. Selkiedad
    John Campbell  2 days ago

    So, an hour later, here we are at Copper Edge Self Store. In panel 2, Erin has a very long-winded way of saying “yes”.

    Lottie’s sweatshirt has the German for “Don’t Forget”. I assume it was made by the same people who produced the “Eating Forbidden” one she was wearing in “Fire Inside”, and that Claire has been wearing in recent Solver strips.

    Erin’s sister Shelley having a baby was the main plot thread that ran through the parallel Bobbins story, “Hard Yards”. It started shortly after the end of “Into the Woods”, in the February before “Space is the Place”, when Shelley discovered her pregnancy courtesy of Mordawwa’s demonic senses, and ran all the way through to her new daughter Peggy’s baby shower, on December 18th of the upcoming school year. The baby shower was a full-cast event, with pretty much all the surviving major characters and many of the minor ones from Bad Machinery, Bobbins, Scary Go Round, and even Esther back from Giant Days. There was time travel and gunplay and almost a marriage proposal, and the girls performed in their new band. Claire got promoted to full mystery girl, by unanimous acclaim. I think it was intended to wrap up the whole Tackleford universe, but fortunately it hasn’t.

    I think Erin actually likes Lottie. She just has unusual ways of showing affection.

    I’m not really sure what makes this a “black site”.

    According to Goblin Santa Claus, Erin is 50.1% nice. Within the margin of error.

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  4. Img 3375
    bob but I spell it backwards  2 days ago

    Most search engines will only refer to black sites as unknown clandestine detention centers. I am assuming that Erin is referring to what was called the Dark Web where a lot of illegal activity went on. A lot of Information that was readily available on the subject has disappeared probably due to the Snowden incident. I will refrain from any further searches on this subject.

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  5. Saxon
    Nuliajuk  2 days ago

    A storage unit with electrical outlets!

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  6. Missing large
    CoffeyCup  2 days ago

    N’est pa “ black site”?

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  7. Photo
    GaryCooper  2 days ago

    “Nicht vergessen” is German for “Don’t forget.” I don’t know what the blue triangle means.

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  8. Photo
    GaryCooper  2 days ago

    I’ve always liked the idea of “self storage.” If you won’t be using yourself for a while, it lets you store yourself until you need you.

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  9. 20141112 192913
    Aladar30 Premium Member 2 days ago

    I would love so much to know more about Lottie and Erin collaboration. But the only hope is whatever or not John Allison will do some story about that period of time. Also see Erin again in “Solver” would be nice.

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  10. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  2 days ago

    Erin certainly adds another level to the traditional crazy/hot matrix.

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  11. Missing large
    R.U. Kidding  2 days ago


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  12. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  2 days ago

    At first I thought “self store” was a place that sold affirmation stuff.

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  13. Missing large
    d.p.mankins  2 days ago

    It seems to me that Shelley’s baby is in an alternate timeline? There have been many adventures with Shelley and no sign of maternal responsibilities?

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  14. Img 3375
    bob but I spell it backwards  1 day ago

    In the world of the dark web many black sites are involved in things like selling drugs, weapons, stolen merchandise, other controlled substances, identity theft, stealing classified information etc… And those don’t include the ones run by the government. That is all I will say. They may be listening.

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