Ben by Daniel Shelton for May 01, 2020

  1. Nc201206
    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    The milkshakes are the best reward.

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  2. Photo
    DaveQuinn  almost 5 years ago

    In Canada, anyone on prescription medication cannot and should not donate blood.

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  3. Treefrog
    skyriderwest  almost 5 years ago

    I donate every 56 days, last time was 2 days ago. It was interesting seeing how they tried to integrate physical distancing with putting a needle in your arm! I’m up to 127 donations at this point.

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  4. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  almost 5 years ago

    I like that.

    My dad was a member of the “gallon club”. He continued to give blood regularly until he reached the age where they told him he needed it more than others did.

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    MarthaGwen Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    I used to give every 56 days, but then I was put on blood thinner because of Afib and I had to stop. I really hate it that I can’t donate my O+ blood.

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  6. White tiger swimming
    cabalonrye  almost 5 years ago

    Isn’t she too old to donate? In France at 60 you need the blood bank donor’s agreement, at 65 you need a doctor’s agreement and can only give blood, at 70 you are not allowed to give blood or white cells anymore.

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  7. Missing large
    mafastore  almost 5 years ago

    Never gone to donate. Doctor’s office has enough trouble getting enough blood for tests from tiny veins.

    When we were getting married we had to have blood tests. I had never had one. Husband is a big baby and was afraid to have one. I waited until he went with his mom to get his done before I went I for mine. He came with me. He was sitting in the waiting room while I was in. I was being overly brave due to how he is. Woman kept trying to find a vein and thought she did – I heard “pop” – she hit air. I had to get a drink of water or I would have fallen over. As I schlepped up the hall, I stopped and got more normal looking and smiling as I passed the waiting room door and waved to him – same on the way back. Second try same “pop”. They were going to send me to their other lab for it to be taken from ankle when another employee came over and between the two they got barely enough blood for the test. No air pops – but same problem since.
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