Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for May 07, 2020

  1. Baby
    wjones  almost 5 years ago

    Where did you get a mask that would cover your nose?

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 5 years ago

    as a great-grandson and a grandnephew of some pharmacists in Safford, Arizona (aforementioned relatives had a family-owned pharmacy which also had a soda fountain), I can’t agree more

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    Baarorso  almost 5 years ago

    Amen to that Brother Ziggy! This “social distancing” business is making the simplest things (like going to the bank and shopping) hard!

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    jpayne4040  almost 5 years ago

    You and a whole lot of other people, Ziggy!

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  5. Forbear
    Qiset  almost 5 years ago

    It’s not that, it’s the radium in your treatment.

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    namleht  almost 5 years ago

    Not me
.I am enjoying the peace & quite

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    colddonkey  almost 5 years ago

    Don’t hold you breath waiting, Ziggy.

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    blakerl  almost 5 years ago

    Social distancing was the original birth control method and it works for Ziggy as we have never seen any little Zigs running about.

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    DawnRandazzo1  almost 5 years ago

    Leave Ziggys nose alone

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    LyleGorch1  almost 5 years ago

    Mr. Boffo, at the retired cartoonists home: Once I drew a nose this big

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    Mr. JRB  almost 5 years ago

    If it covered his nose, he couldn’t see lol

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  12. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Get used to it Ziggy. It’s going to be the new way of things.

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    kf6rro  almost 5 years ago

    I wont be. The virus sucks and all, but social distancing has been the best thing to happen to me since I got married.

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    Teto85 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Pharmacies that did not have mail or delivery services are starting to do that. We have had prescriptions delivered or mailed for years.

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    sarahbowl1 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    You and me both, Zig!

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    NaturLvr  almost 5 years ago

    I go through the drive-up at my local Walgreen’s for my meds, the clerks are wearing gloves, but of course they’ve handled countless other peoples scripts, money, credit cards and I.D.s with those gloves
and numbers are on the rise where I live, just got the distinction of being named in the top ten by some organization keeping track of the numbers. And it doesn’t surprise me with the number of lackadaisical-minded people wandering around these parts in maskless droves. So I have taken to using a small plastic bag, which I invert over my little package and then close and place on the floor of my car, all without ever touching my meds bag. Normally I’d just grab them and then use a disinfectant wipe, but still can’t acquire them in the greatest nation on earth. Feels weird to perform such a ritual, but because of age and other health issues, I’ve decided better weird and safe than weird and sorry. ;-)

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    GiantShetlandPony  almost 5 years ago

    It would work better if everyone one was on board with ‘physical distancing’ and took protecting others more seriously than protecting themselves. OK, some idiots aren’t even doing that.

    If everyone had taken the situation seriously we would have stopped the virus by now. Sadly, some people are incredibly selfish and stupid.

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    GiantShetlandPony  almost 5 years ago

    What I want to know is why the powers that be chose the word social distancing, when what we need and are doing is physical distancing? Words matter, and there is a big difference between the meanings of social and physical.

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    skippygddss  almost 5 years ago

    I’m surprised no one mentioned he’s wearing a mask, but no pants!

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    ajakimber425  almost 5 years ago

    Me, too!

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    paullp Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Ziggy! Your nose is all better! (For those with a short memory, go back two days.)

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    tad1  almost 5 years ago

    I wouldn’t mind staying home so much if I got paid for it.

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