If you are experiencing a desperate circumstance, then try the newest idea – shower. The cold comes and goes much more quickly. If self torture is desired, then seek more pleasant and fun methods. I am sure someone else will help you find what you seek.
allen@home over 4 years ago
Yea ice cold water causes a lot of shrinkage.
strictures over 4 years ago
I would’ve thought a couples bath of any kind involved one big tub, not two, like that weird Cialis ad of several years ago.
jagedlo over 4 years ago
Well, we know two people that won’t be members of the Polar Bear club!
The Pro from Dover over 4 years ago
Why on God’s green…
irishwolfhound over 4 years ago
Ellis97 over 4 years ago
It’s gonna cause some major shrinkage down there.
Bob Blumenfeld over 4 years ago
Where in the world did this one come from? Did Bill & SO just have a similar experience?
heathcliff2 over 4 years ago
If you are experiencing a desperate circumstance, then try the newest idea – shower. The cold comes and goes much more quickly. If self torture is desired, then seek more pleasant and fun methods. I am sure someone else will help you find what you seek.
For a Just and Peaceful World over 4 years ago
Ice-bath, the original birth control method.
Teto85 Premium Member over 4 years ago
What idiotic state would allow the opening of day-spas? Oh, Texas and Floriduh. Never mind.
Boise Ed Premium Member over 4 years ago
Why would anyone get into a tub of ice water? Please don’t tell me that that is now a “thing.”
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 4 years ago
It’s ice, ice, baby.
bigal666 over 4 years ago
High beams on!