Depends on the seasoning. For fajita seasoned shrimp Spanish rice and tortillas are the perfect sides. Cajun seasoning partners nicely with grilled zucchini and a tomato /onion salad. And plain salt and pepper grilled shrimp work best with fresh roasted corn on the cob.
These days we finish lunch, I wash the dishes and then ask the big question of the day – “What do you want for dinner?” Some choices have to start being defrosted right after lunch to be usable in time to cook properly for dinner.
Bake some potatoes in the grill’s side oven, then split them, slather them with butter, and put them face down on the grill long enough to pick up a smoky flavor and some nice grill marks.
stairsteppublishing over 4 years ago
Love the partner poses.
in.amongst over 4 years ago
the finest white wine!?!
amethyst52 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Cole slaw?
h.v.greenman over 4 years ago
Depends on the seasoning. For fajita seasoned shrimp Spanish rice and tortillas are the perfect sides. Cajun seasoning partners nicely with grilled zucchini and a tomato /onion salad. And plain salt and pepper grilled shrimp work best with fresh roasted corn on the cob.
stillfickled Premium Member over 4 years ago
Naw, give me deep fried shrimp.
rekam Premium Member over 4 years ago
Honey walnut shrimp with steamed rice.
dadoctah over 4 years ago
Grits, baby!
Geophyzz over 4 years ago
With Rose’s hand on my thigh, my mind wandering to a different basic drive.
jagedlo over 4 years ago
I think I have an idea now of what to have for dinner…
rshive over 4 years ago
There are good distractions and bad distractions.
bigal666 over 4 years ago
How about Rosie on the half shell?
SrTechWriter over 4 years ago
C’mon, guys. Get your mind out of the garbage disposal.
Grey Forest over 4 years ago
Now I’m hungry…
mafastore over 4 years ago
These days we finish lunch, I wash the dishes and then ask the big question of the day – “What do you want for dinner?” Some choices have to start being defrosted right after lunch to be usable in time to cook properly for dinner.
Sue Ellen over 4 years ago
Bake some potatoes in the grill’s side oven, then split them, slather them with butter, and put them face down on the grill long enough to pick up a smoky flavor and some nice grill marks.