Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for May 04, 2011

  1. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 14 years ago

    Good morning everyone…

    I’m convinced that we will never see the baby!

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  2. Fearless 2
    thejensens  almost 14 years ago

    They are dragging this baby stuff too far.

    Let’s get the plot moving for the next story.

    Is the next villian called “Sourdough”???

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  3. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 14 years ago

    Good morning, you two! Not much to say today…

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  4. Major matt mason315
    Major Matt Mason Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    RWM: LOL!

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  5. Garfield
    linsonl  almost 14 years ago

    RWM: B. O. Plenty doesn’t look quite that bad, now, does he?

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  6. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  almost 14 years ago

    Panel #1: Too bad Ms. Biscuits didn’t take that road trip. We could have haled the return of the Pig on Wheels.

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    andy.vaughn  almost 14 years ago

    The pace of this story is Okay. Just let the writer and artist play it out. It’s a serial…it’s not supposed to wrap up in a week! The plot will be revealed in time.

    When the adventure strip was thriving, it wasn’t unusual to have stories go on for months. There’s no way that today’s readers would sit still that long!

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  8. Tennessee bird dogs 1
    brinrik  almost 14 years ago

    Hot Rize is the next villain. Stay tuned.

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  9. Rick
    davidf42  almost 14 years ago

    I agree with Bill. We’ll never see the baby. As I said before, I think it will be a running joke for years to come.

    I agree with Andy too. Don’t be so impatient, folks. One of the main reasons to read the comics is to escape from the helter-skelter of every day life. Slow down, and enjoy it.

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  10. Image
    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    I feel like I’m on a rollercoaster, heading up that big hill at the beginning… clickity, clack, clickity, clack… I have a feeling that Mike and Joe, have ANOTHER WILD RIDE in store for us. HOLD ON TIGHT! …clickity, clack,…clickity, clack…

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  11. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  almost 14 years ago

    Hot Rize doesn’t seem like the usual Tracy villain. I’m more inclined to think that she will be a victim, and that this whole arc so far is just setting the scene for us, introducing the characters.. But I have been wrong before.

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  12. Armlegs
    DatBigGuy Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Ms. Flaky Biscuits reminds me of Paula Deen.


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    punchydugan  almost 14 years ago

    The pace of this story is just fine. This is a serial comic strip not a video or comic book. Now if only I could figure out where this was all going…..

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    rmax4131  almost 14 years ago

    Actually, Hot Rize reminds me a bit of Crewy Lou from the 1950s… I hope this story will surprise you as much as it did me…

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  15. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  almost 14 years ago

    I still think Hot Rize will be a baddie.

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  16. Image
    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    I think the pace is perfect. There’s only so much you can do with two or three panels a day. If Ms. Hot Rize is the villian, I’m gonna say it’s one of 2 things. 1) See kidnaps baby Plenty, because she wants to “protect” him. Because she knows what its like to be different. or 2)She gets sick of taking orders from Flakey, living in her shadow, doing all the work, and becomes disgruntled. I thinking the name Hot Rize also has something to do with her temper, not just the whole cooking show/ food company thing. But, I could be wrong….. and don’t tell me I don’t want to know….

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  17. Smokey stover
    Araldite  almost 14 years ago

    Hot Rize is the baddie; you’ll start to find out tomorrow.


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  18. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 14 years ago

    New Villain ?

    Well Safeway, you’re seeing her today - in the red jacket. Ms Hot Rize is the name as indicated (not ‘Sourdough’).

    Problem is, that before the dough rises the story may be over. As the TMS man said, you’re going to “KNEAD” them that way, because you and other readers now have a SHORTER ‘ATTENTION SPAN’ !

    Think the baby’s name and looks will be the strips BEST kept secret. How could they ever equal readers raised expectation ?

    The coloring in the dailies is either getting better or I’m coming to terms with it (?)

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  19. My boys
    woodworker318  almost 14 years ago

    Hey folks, you didn’t like the last people who were doing the strip and couldn’t wait for the new people to take over. Now that they have, you are complaining about them. Give it a rest. It’s only been six weeks and the story and art work have been vastly improved.

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  20. Scan2023 01 23 153155a
    Midnite  almost 14 years ago

    Come now, the baby cant be that bad looking. Can it?

    It been a long time since I read anything with B.O. but doesnt he have a daughter named Sparkle? Wonder what shes up to nowadays.

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  21. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  almost 14 years ago

    I have no problem with the pace. Mike & Joe have to introduce the characters and their relationship with each other before things can get going.

    Have to admit, I hope Hot Rize isn’t the villain; I like her, and besides, it would be too obvious.

    I also love the “hey, that looks like” aspect of the characters. It’s like Chester Gould’s habit of basing villains on real people.

    I saw a scene of Paul Muni in an early gangster film on TCM, and he looked just like Flattop - from hairstyle to pursed lips. I’d never have picked him as the character’s inspiration.

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  22. Scan2023 01 23 153155a
    Midnite  almost 14 years ago

    I like Hot Rize, if only because of the name.

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  23. Missing large
    mzkdad  almost 14 years ago

    “Clickety clack … clickety clack Bring that man’s baby back.” Rahsaan Roland Kirk

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  24. 117361236 10157204433965303 4457194972919053200 n
    TGCarlini Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    I think Flakey’s the baddie! Paula Deen’s bad, no?

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  25. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 14 years ago

    BillThompson said, “…We could have haled the return of the Pig on Wheels.”

    Long live the Pig on Wheels!

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  26. Scan2023 01 23 153155a
    Midnite  almost 14 years ago

    Im still amazed that Junior is back.

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  27. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  almost 14 years ago

    The pace is fine, and as I recall from the Plainclothes site the criminal activity has already begun, with a major clue having been planted already.

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    dakota_jones  almost 14 years ago

    The pacing is fine! If Locher were doing this story, Hot Rize would still be on her way to Sunny Dell Acres!

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    BuzzyKincaid73  almost 14 years ago

    I have to chime in with praise for the pacing. M & J are doing just fine and I trust we will see the baby in due time.

    BTW, just got volumes 1-3 of The Collins Casefiles…and they are awesome ! After Gould, Rick Fletcher has the most faithful version of DT and his cast. I wish Joe would take Lizz back to her ” old ” look…striking eyes and facial features. IMO, she looks to ” soft “, know whut I mean ?

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  30. Elguapo
    ChucklinChuck  almost 14 years ago

    Can someone please link me to the Pig On Wheels? Merci.

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    BuzzyKincaid73  almost 14 years ago

    Just went back and looked at some strips from a year ago.

    It’s amazing how static and boring they looked compared to the current run. And the repetition…OY !

    Curtis & Staton have truly brought DT back from the dead !

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  32. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  almost 14 years ago

    Hot Rize reminds me of Annie Lennox.

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  33. Missing large
    stomaino  almost 14 years ago

    Hi, guys! Haven’t read DT in years, but decided to come back because I was a big Joe Staton fan. Like what I see so far.

    I had to comment because no one has pointed out what I thought about Hot Rize when I first saw her.

    She looks like a female version of the Jimmy Olsen from the Silver Age Superman comics: Red hair, freckles & bow tie. He wore a green suit which was almost a complementary color to what Hot Rize is wearing.

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    stomaino  almost 14 years ago

    By the way, I don’t think we’re gonna get a look at that baby any time soon, either.

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    djword.1  almost 14 years ago

    Dick Tracy is my new Brenda Starr—well almost because no one can replace Brenda. But, having read DT as the lead strip in the Chicago Tribune for most of my life, I have a certain history with the characters and story line. These guys are doing an amazing job. I like that today’s strip didn’t involve any characters from the station–taking the action away from DT et al is very clever. One more note: While similar in character to Paula Deen, Flakey Biscuits is much slimmer and actually has a waistline.

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    jjcarterct  almost 14 years ago

    Does the new Plenty kid story line remind anyone else of Al Capp’s Lena the Hyena?

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  37. Missing large
    Par4_46  almost 14 years ago

    Ms Biscuits is definitely a tribute to Paula Deen.

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