Lio by Mark Tatulli for April 26, 2011

  1. Comic face
    comicgos  almost 14 years ago

    Loved it!

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  2. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 14 years ago

    They certainly do…

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    raphae_zx  almost 14 years ago

    Oh you said, Lio!

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  4. Me
    SCOTTtheBADGER  almost 14 years ago

    MARS NEEDS MOMS is a pretty good book, one of Berke Breathed’s better ones.

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    zero  almost 14 years ago

    Pretty sure a few Hollywood moms to be do need at least a good talking to first. THEN a spanking…

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    wolfhoundblues1  almost 14 years ago

    Watch Atlas Shrugged

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    dyankee23  almost 14 years ago

    Everyone’s a critic…

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    kfaatz925  almost 14 years ago

    Go Lio!

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  9. Ruby gloom a
    shewith5  almost 14 years ago

    “OOH! A SPANKING! A SPANKING!” (What? Someone needed to make the obscure Monty Python reference here. Just saying)

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    WaitingMan  almost 14 years ago

    Atlas Shrugged? No thanks. I’m not into cheesy horror movies.

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  11. Frog4
    Digital Frog  almost 14 years ago

    nailed it

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  12. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  almost 14 years ago

    Why bother? This movie tanked at the box office, big time.

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  13. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  almost 14 years ago

    Usiing tax credits to make a movie warning of big government? I’ll ‘Go Galt’ rather than support a hypocrite.

    (At least new TeePee governors in Michigan and Pennsylvania are ending film tax credit programs in their own states, now that they’re in office. Sure, it means losing jobs, but it’s not like those jobs go to their kind of people…)

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    vzs1022  almost 14 years ago

    I can think of other institutions that need moms and spankings as well.

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  15. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    What, nobody has said it yet? — Lio needs a mom.

    (The “Atlas Shrugged, Part 1” movie is better than it might have been but not as good as it should have been. See the movie but read the book to understand how much better they should have done.)

    (Yes, Dirty D: Go Galt. That’ll show them. As for the supposed hypocrisy, this is the first I’ve heard of tax credits being involved, but even if they were, it would be futile not to take them, in exactly the manner of a young person using a government-backed student loan to enter a career from which to oppose such government programs. The contradiction is in the system, not in its victims.)

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    cutelio  almost 14 years ago

    I really appreciate your April 16, 2011 comic. I have been voicing this for years. They have set up bad ideas in the minds of our youth for too long. I have begun to refer to it as whorelywood. Where went the films that left things to the imagination, not show all and tell all. Parents are just as bad if they let their children watch this filth without their guidence to inform them that this is just filth and is not acceptable behavior. I hope this will eventually knock the profits out of improper behavior in films and star behavior. GO LIO.

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  17. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  almost 14 years ago

    Lio is clever, and Ayn Rand was a simpleton. That is all.

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    FishingWithMissD  almost 14 years ago

    Has Lio been listening to Michael Medved?

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  19. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Sherlock: How much Ayn Rand have you read? Try “Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology” and we’ll see who’s a simpleton.

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    mditoro  almost 14 years ago

    You said it, Lio!!

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  21. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  almost 14 years ago

    @pschearer: I’ve read and re-read Atlas Shrugged with an open mind, and found it to be over a thousand pages of self-contradictions and political ranting. Hardly surprising, since Rand’s arguments were fueled more by emotionalism (i.e., bad memories of the Soviet Union) than by actual thinking.

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    amcnulty17  almost 14 years ago

    that is the best comic strip ever so funny

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