Peanuts by Charles Schulz for May 28, 2011

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    Bruce/Fl  almost 14 years ago

    Here it is as originally submitted by Schulz:

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  2. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    I like it just the way it is here. Thanks anyway.

    Run them off, Snoopy.

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    Bruce/Fl  almost 14 years ago

    ā€œI like it just the way it is here.ā€ Itā€™s all about you, eh?

    Go back a few days where they were presented as Schulz intended in black and white. Many preferred it that way, many didnā€™t. Thatā€™s fine. You against choice? It has to be your way?

    Youā€™re welcome anyway.

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    Woody157  almost 14 years ago

    Yep! The black and white takes me back to the days watching TV with a round screen and a test pattern on for almost 20% of the days programing. I, also, like the color comics myself. The movies shot in b / w many time are best left in b / w. Ted Turner screwed up ā€™Itā€™s a Great Lifeā€™ with color. Also, Peanuts on May 28, 1964 got ā€˜0ā€™ comments.p

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  5. Johannesburg 2008 016
    JoanHelen  almost 14 years ago

    Thank you, Bruce, itā€™s nice to see both. I like the colour but the black and white takes me back to my youth.

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    Woody157  almost 14 years ago

    Yes, ā€œItā€™s A Wonderful Lifeā€. And at 70 yrs and 2 days (but who is counting?) it is ā€˜GREAT Lifeā€™

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    Wren Fahel  almost 14 years ago

    The birds that hung out with Snoopy were always yellow, werenā€™t they? Kind of the precursers to Woodstock?

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    Bruce/Fl  almost 14 years ago

    Iā€™ll see if I can put other verbiage in the link so you donā€™t have to see the date, howā€™s that? :)

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    mac47  almost 14 years ago

    I hate fanatics. Except comic strip fanatics.

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    wsmith27  almost 14 years ago

    Hello everyone. Here I thought it was just kids commenting on these strips. Now I find out you are old folks like me. Have always loved peanuts. Now I can only find it online. Loved Calvin and Hobbes too. My favourites. Party on!

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    Paying Too Much Attention Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Wow, canā€™t we just get along? I appreciate, by the way, knowing the B&W version is available, although itā€™s way too small on my screen; much smaller than originally presented in any paper in 1964. The color doesnā€™t usually bother me, although I really prefer the black & white during the week because Charles Schulz drew it with that in mind. But the coloring of the birds today is awful; canā€™t see them.

    Seriously, though, this isnā€™t religion. Itā€™s comics! Have fun!

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    auggie12345  almost 14 years ago

    i loved peanuts

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  13. Spkellie
    Krupsch  almost 14 years ago

    Bruce, do you need a job or hobby? This has gone on all week, and frankly, Iā€™m sick of enjoying the comic just to glance down the comments and see nothing about the comic ā€“ just a rant about color. If anything is ruining my enjoyment of Peanuts ā€“ its you. I just want to see the comic (color doesnā€™t bother me) and not have to deal with your soapbox every day. If you donā€™t like the colorized version ā€“ write an email to gocomics. Actually, Iā€™m sure youā€™ve already done that. So, go look at them in BW and leave us to have our own fun.

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    kfaatz925  almost 14 years ago

    I like ā€˜em both. Good memories of reading my fatherā€™s b&w collections (now there was a fanatic! ;) )

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    FanOfPeanuts  almost 14 years ago

    Itā€™s really quite simple. Mr. Schulz wrote and drew the weekday strip in black and white, and never intended the dailies to be in color. Reprint books have always produced the strips in their original B&W format. Iā€™m very happy for those readers who love the colorful appearance of the B&W strips. However, Iā€™m quite certain the artist would not approve, if he we alive to give his take on the matter. If you are unable to appreciate the strip in itā€™s original format as it was drawn and intended to be seen, thatā€™s your right and choice. I, for one, have emailed Go Comics to give them my opinionā€¦which, I am, of course, entitled to have. Why the Schulz estate has allowed for the strips to be colored is beyond me. If you feel the need to rant against me, go ahead. Iā€™m simply giving my personal opinion/preference, not trying to impose it on anyone else. If youā€™re unable to appreciate Peanuts without color, then thatā€™s your choice. Enjoy the strip in whatever format is most pleasing to you.

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  16. Gedc0161
    gofinsc  almost 14 years ago

    When colorizing first began, Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon hailed it as a remarkable achievement. A couple of years later when others started opposing changing the classics from black and white, they decided it was the greatest travesty ever perpetrated on filmdom. I think thatā€™s called going with the flow.

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    BarrettH Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    every time i accidentally scroll down and see the comments i remember why i never read the comments. you guys suck all the fun out of the funnies

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    tburger49  almost 14 years ago

    Holding down the control key (or command on a Mac) and pressing the + key once or twice should make it larger. Has to do with the resolution of your screen and the resolution it was scanned into the computer at.

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