“Duhhh, hey Louie …it looks like da Johnson’s don’t want us Raccoons in da garbage, no more!” “Yes, Reggie, I have deduced dat based on da Rhinoceros trap placed precariously underneet dat trash can!” “But Louie… everybody knows dat Rhinoceroseses don’t partake in trash can cuisine!” “Reggie, I tink maybe you’se have had too much o’dat … cuisine!”
I had a magnetically-latched cat door but a raccoon still kept getting in. I set up a motion-triggered video camera and found he was pulling the door, instead of pushing. The designers had not been as smart as a raccoon.
allen@home over 4 years ago
That barb wire should stop the raccoons, but a raccoon ain’t heavy enough to set off that bear trap.
Zykoic over 4 years ago
Last three years the raccoons ate all the cherries off my cherry tree. Tried netting and fences to no avail. Clever little thieves.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 4 years ago
That will stop the coons. But it still won’t keep squirrels out of the bird feeder.
Yardley701 over 4 years ago
Bear Traps are very painful and cruel!
Mighty Phavahg over 4 years ago
I have a similar war with groundhogs, only no wounds are inflicted.
geese28 over 4 years ago
Nice…now how will the sanitation workers collect that?
PO' DAWG over 4 years ago
I’m betting on the raccoons, they are smart little devils and determined. Not to mention fearless.
dv1093 over 4 years ago
That looks like my backyard around my bird feeders to thwart the squirrels and racoons.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Great preparation. I would love to see the garbage man dump that mess.
AutumnLeaves1 over 4 years ago
Boooooo, hissssss . . . Brian should step into the trap and see how it feels.
Dobie Premium Member over 4 years ago
“Duhhh, hey Louie …it looks like da Johnson’s don’t want us Raccoons in da garbage, no more!” “Yes, Reggie, I have deduced dat based on da Rhinoceros trap placed precariously underneet dat trash can!” “But Louie… everybody knows dat Rhinoceroseses don’t partake in trash can cuisine!” “Reggie, I tink maybe you’se have had too much o’dat … cuisine!”
jbduncan over 4 years ago
What will he do when he traps a bear instead of a raccoon? Calling animal control will only get him in trouble.
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
I had a magnetically-latched cat door but a raccoon still kept getting in. I set up a motion-triggered video camera and found he was pulling the door, instead of pushing. The designers had not been as smart as a raccoon.
kaycstamper over 4 years ago
I’ve seen them pretty big here!
kaycstamper over 4 years ago
They aren’t neat here!