Sympathies Dan. My husband had built our kitten a scratching post and covered it in used jeans. My husband rarely wears jeans, but the one time he did, the kitten decided his pant leg was part of the scratching post.
Ow! I have 2 that puncture my skin regularly intentionally or not. Wish I had the nerve to try to cut their claws but at 20 lbs. each I’m not taking my chances. To bad because my skin is getting thinner as I age so they can make me bleed and leave marks. People are going to start thinking I’ve been cutting myself or something :-)
sergioandrade Premium Member over 4 years ago
Once knew a kitten who when I was on a phone decided to climb Mount Sergio. Fortunately I was wearing a hat at the time. Kitten was named Velcro.
Tigressy over 4 years ago
Love the little heart.
bookworm0812 over 4 years ago
Ow. Our second cat actually jumped up on me and grabbed on a few times. Darn claws.
Janet Gamble Premium Member over 4 years ago
Those claws are the little needle daggers of love, Dan!
saxie5 over 4 years ago
Sympathies Dan. My husband had built our kitten a scratching post and covered it in used jeans. My husband rarely wears jeans, but the one time he did, the kitten decided his pant leg was part of the scratching post.
The Legend of Brandon Sawyer over 4 years ago
HAHA! Dan called him Richard! Just like you would call a child by there proper name And not their nickname!
Perkycat over 4 years ago
He missed you, Dan. They only do that with ones they really love ~ love hurts. Great facial expressions!
BJIllistrated Premium Member over 4 years ago
Ow! I have 2 that puncture my skin regularly intentionally or not. Wish I had the nerve to try to cut their claws but at 20 lbs. each I’m not taking my chances. To bad because my skin is getting thinner as I age so they can make me bleed and leave marks. People are going to start thinking I’ve been cutting myself or something :-)
willie_mctell over 4 years ago
Kittens climbing humans?!
katina.cooper over 4 years ago
Ric is just showing Dan how much he likes him.
Ed Brault Premium Member over 4 years ago
Cuddles, our smallest, likes to climb the back of my office chair, then continue on up my shoulder to the top of my head, purring all the way.