Nancy Classics by Ernie Bushmiller for February 03, 2022
February 02, 2022
February 04, 2022
Nancy: How do you like your new job, Sluggo?
Sluggo's sign reads: EAT AT JOE'S.
Sluggo: Swell---I love to walk on stilts.
Caption: LATER.
Nancy: Sluggo--WHAT HAPPENED?
Sluggo: I tried to pick up a lady's handkerchief.
Walls don’t look like that, with bricks in some places, but not others! And why are there no windows or other verisimilitudinous details? How am I supposed to enjoy a comic strip where—
oh, sorry. I thought this was the current Nancy strip. Eh, this is fine.
cubswin2016 about 3 years ago
Sluggo needs to think about the consequences of his actions before he does something.
Susan00100 about 3 years ago
Betcha it was a pretty young girl—the kind that makes Nancy jealous.
jagedlo about 3 years ago
A workplace accident, Sluggo?
Gent about 3 years ago
Joe’s Eats was very famous during those days.
patricev70 about 3 years ago
Sluggo really needed the job to go back on the stilts afterwards!
Zebrastripes about 3 years ago
Chivalry NOT dead!
WaitingMan about 3 years ago
Joe must be quite a guy to work for. Broken arm? Fractured skull? “Back up on the stilts, kid!”
donwestonmysteries about 3 years ago
I know Sluggo has to support himself but maybe he doesn’t need top do some adult type jobs.
Kip Williams about 3 years ago
Walls don’t look like that, with bricks in some places, but not others! And why are there no windows or other verisimilitudinous details? How am I supposed to enjoy a comic strip where—
oh, sorry. I thought this was the current Nancy strip. Eh, this is fine.
brklnbern about 3 years ago
Sluggo the unlikely practitioner of chivalry.
gobbledygook about 3 years ago
I love the fact that even though Sluggo is a human-cast now, his harsh task-master, Joe, still demands he get up on those stilts and earn his pay.