Drabble by Kevin Fagan for September 30, 2020

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    willispate  over 4 years ago

    you’re gonna find out anyway Ralph.

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    whenlifewassimpler  over 4 years ago

    Nope Drabble not when they hide like that.

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    therese_callahan2002  over 4 years ago

    He’ll find it on the carpet.

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    jagedlo  over 4 years ago

    oh, Wally, Wally, Wally…

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    bigplayray  over 4 years ago

    I know what he did!

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    Michael G.  over 4 years ago

    I loved when my Dane would do this!

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    DaveQuinn  over 4 years ago

    My dachshunds say “OK. I did it. I am also cute. What do you intend to do about it?”. Then they give the wide eyed puppy eyes.

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    oldsmkysyvr  over 4 years ago

    Crapped in Honeybunch’s shoe.

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    Ricky Bennett  over 4 years ago

    Uh oh…it’s curtains for him…

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    cuzinron47  over 4 years ago

    And Wally’s thinking, ‘Why does everybody always blame the dog?’.

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    PPMKS  over 4 years ago

    When I was young, my dad saw our dogs through the glass door. They were hopping on two feet begging to come in. So my dad opened the door. " I felt sorry for them, he said, knowing they had to go pee."

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    stillfickled Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I don’t care what Wally did ( usually) cuz he’s cute!

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    tinstar  over 4 years ago

    Uh, oh….it’s “curtains,” for Wally.

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    DaveQuinn  over 4 years ago

    Dogs usually get in trouble because they are bored. They have energy and want to DO something. Mine chewed a shoe once. I told him sternly (no raising my voice) NO. I never used the term “bad dog”. That hurts them, and they can get depressed.Instead, get them toys to play with, and play with them using those toys. They will understand that playing with toys is a good thing, and chewing shoes is NOT a good thing. Get them a Ham bone or beef hoof to chew on. NEVER give them poultry bones or pork bones. Those splinter and can kill them. When they play with toys or chew their bone, praise them. They will understand that those are good things to do, and animals love praise.If you have to leave them alone, make sure there are the toys and bones available to play with. If the animal has nervous tendencies, try not to leave them alone for an extended period of time, ESPECIALLY if they have nervous anxieties or “separation anxiety”. Some dogs hate being left alone if they are attached to you.A lot of damage does not happen if there is more than one animal of the same species. They have each other to keep them company and are not likely to get into mischief.

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