OK, giving a pass on the whole how-much-did-he-start-with question (or how he figured tare), as I happily give cartoons some leeway in the logic department: Is he celebrating that the summer was mild & enjoyable enough that he still 7 whole grams he didn’t have to use? Or that it was such a hot, miserable summer that he had to use all but 7g?
And let’s not get into what kind of twisted mind would consider it a worthwhile use of time & thought to weigh the freakin’ sunscreen!
Oh, wait. He’s a cyclist – and (given what we know about his proclivities) most likely a cyclist of the “weight weinie” stripe; he probably weighs everything (I have a friend who, when backpacking, cuts the labels out of his clothes to save the weight. Of course. he also packs a disposable razor – with half the handle cut off, of course – so he can keep his beard trimmed on the trail. Go figure.)
Frazz17 hrs · Let’s be honest. Like everyone else, I’m vulnerable to moments of introspection, of taking stock of my life. These audits can be painful, but they ultimately turn out well; it’s largely been a good life. But over years, nay, decades of such audits, I’ve noticed a pattern in which the best times have a tight correlation with the amount of sunscreen I went through. Or the amount of post-sunburn lotions and balms. (Introspection more tightly focused on my smarts and judgment is not typically flattering.)
These days I have a lot of old sunscreen lying around. I have taken note. I’m not sure what I can do about it anymore, but I have taken note.
eromlig over 4 years ago
I know people who use grams in an entirely different context — Jef the Cyclist definitely not among them.
Bilan over 4 years ago
That logic should be turned around to say that he had an N-7 gram summer – to signify how much sunscreen he used.
Concretionist over 4 years ago
Success is in the mind of the succeeder, right?
sandpiper over 4 years ago
You takes your wins where you finds ’em.
jpayne4040 over 4 years ago
Hey, if it makes him happy…
seismic-2 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Frazz doubles his happiness first by doing it and then by making sure that everyone else knows he did it!
Michael G. over 4 years ago
Wow! A solid ¼ of an ounce!
John Barleycorn Premium Member over 4 years ago
Razor-sharp humor! The cutting edge.
Cozmik Cowboy over 4 years ago
OK, giving a pass on the whole how-much-did-he-start-with question (or how he figured tare), as I happily give cartoons some leeway in the logic department: Is he celebrating that the summer was mild & enjoyable enough that he still 7 whole grams he didn’t have to use? Or that it was such a hot, miserable summer that he had to use all but 7g?
And let’s not get into what kind of twisted mind would consider it a worthwhile use of time & thought to weigh the freakin’ sunscreen!
Oh, wait. He’s a cyclist – and (given what we know about his proclivities) most likely a cyclist of the “weight weinie” stripe; he probably weighs everything (I have a friend who, when backpacking, cuts the labels out of his clothes to save the weight. Of course. he also packs a disposable razor – with half the handle cut off, of course – so he can keep his beard trimmed on the trail. Go figure.)
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 4 years ago
Isn’t unused sunscreen a measure of how much time you spent out of the sun? Is that a good thing?
Thinkingblade over 4 years ago
It is amazing how often the field of Optimization becomes relevant in every day life.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 4 years ago
My roommate thinks I’m a selfish miser because I cut open tubes to get at the 2 grams of product you can’t squeeze out.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 4 years ago
Jef Mallett’s Blog Posts
Frazz17 hrs · Let’s be honest. Like everyone else, I’m vulnerable to moments of introspection, of taking stock of my life. These audits can be painful, but they ultimately turn out well; it’s largely been a good life. But over years, nay, decades of such audits, I’ve noticed a pattern in which the best times have a tight correlation with the amount of sunscreen I went through. Or the amount of post-sunburn lotions and balms. (Introspection more tightly focused on my smarts and judgment is not typically flattering.)
These days I have a lot of old sunscreen lying around. I have taken note. I’m not sure what I can do about it anymore, but I have taken note.
DorothyGlenn Premium Member over 4 years ago
I thought it was a spin out on Sea grams 7 so that was my summer.
billdaviswords about 4 years ago
“Gram”?? This is America Frazz. NO one would say “7-gram.”