and just how long had Nelson been hiding in the laundry basket? there’s no way he was already in it when Opal was emptying the dryer; she would’ve immediately seen him
While sitting on the couch in the family room, my Mother would upend onto me the basket of warm laundry fresh from the dryer and I would feel as if I were in a warm cocoon while I giggled and folded the items (my chore). I miss that!
allen@home over 4 years ago
Grandma is a lot stronger than she looks. If she couldn’t tell that the basket was much heaver than is should have been cause Nelson was hiding in it.
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
and just how long had Nelson been hiding in the laundry basket? there’s no way he was already in it when Opal was emptying the dryer; she would’ve immediately seen him
Wilde Bill over 4 years ago
I expected the cat to be in there.
sirbadger over 4 years ago
She can keep them warm by farting. They won’t smell as fresh, but Earl might not notice.
Breadboard over 4 years ago
Opal you will need a bigger basket ;-)
jagedlo over 4 years ago
“Doc, I had this nightmare that my Grandma sat on me while I was in her laundry basket!”
iggyman over 4 years ago
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
Heeeeeelp! Grandpaaaaaaa! Grandma is gonna sit on meeeeee!
J Short over 4 years ago
All that kettlebell lifting has been paying dividends.
DaveQuinn over 4 years ago
If Opal’s butt hits Nelson, he is done for.
cubswin2016 over 4 years ago
Nelson will not be doing that again.
Linguist over 4 years ago
Cute and funny! Good on ye, Opal!
ForrestOverin over 4 years ago
I do that when one of my cats is sitting in my favorite chair, and doesn’t vacate fast enough when I walk up and make it clear it’s MY turn!
Alberta Oil over 4 years ago
Now there is a sight no young boy should ever be subjected to.. Poor kid will have nightmares for years to come..
kab2rb over 4 years ago
Wow Grandma you are stronger then you look, not knowing Nelson in that basket.
magicwalnut over 4 years ago
Nelson must be related to my cat. Rare that my clean laundry doesn’t come already covered with cat hair.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 4 years ago
Some warmth we do not wish.
zeexenon over 4 years ago
From my experience, it should be her feet.
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
Hey, there is already a cat in here.
Number Three over 4 years ago
Look out, Nelson. I hear she is suffering with some bad gas today too!
Bocephus over 4 years ago
Who are Nelson’s parents?
tung cha cha cha over 4 years ago
While sitting on the couch in the family room, my Mother would upend onto me the basket of warm laundry fresh from the dryer and I would feel as if I were in a warm cocoon while I giggled and folded the items (my chore). I miss that!
pbr50138 over 4 years ago
Our cat jumps into the dryer, when my wife opens it up to get the clothes out.