It could be UFOs. There were several UFO shows on the television when this strip was written in 1973. Such as Project Blue Book, UFO, the Invaders, and others.
In my lifetime the end of the world has been announced at least 5 times, I lost count. We’re still here. What part of “no man knows the day nor the hour” don’t they get?
The world will not end before the Temple is rebuilt in Jerusalem and so until that progress is begun the world goes along it’s own worldly way; plus there are to be three prophets who will be killed in the streets of Jerusalem and their bodies lie there for ‘x’ amt of time and then they will be restored to life. Also a Temple needs be built in Jackson County, Missouri before the world conditions end. These and more need occur first.
If there were ever a time in history that checked most of the boxes outlined in the Apocalypse it would have been the first half of the 20th century. We had a World War, followed by a global pandemic, followed by an economic depression followed by another World War and culminating in a Holocaust of one kind in Europe and another kind over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
We are still here with some of the same old problems (because as a race, we are slow learners) and some new ones as well.
Snoopy, there is nothing to worry about. The world has already survived thousands of predictions of its end. Some by scientists, some by prophets, poets, ancient calendars, tribes, rabbis, priests and even the occasional TV network.
This would be a lot funnier if there weren’t people who felt this way over every strange development… which now comes – like clockwork – every couple of days.
JD'Huntsville'AL about 4 years ago
I don’t think I understand this one. Are they under a blanket that they cut eye-holes into?
littlejohn Premium Member about 4 years ago
It could be UFOs. There were several UFO shows on the television when this strip was written in 1973. Such as Project Blue Book, UFO, the Invaders, and others.
PaulAbbott2 about 4 years ago
I was wondering if they would run this little story arc.
orinoco womble about 4 years ago
In my lifetime the end of the world has been announced at least 5 times, I lost count. We’re still here. What part of “no man knows the day nor the hour” don’t they get?
Cminuscomics&stories Premium Member about 4 years ago
Nut cases have been announcing the end since man stopped eating mud. Schulz is having a bit of fun with the nuts.
TampaFanatic1 about 4 years ago
Okay, did they steal one of Chuck’s ghost Halloween sheets or did they snatch Linus’ blanket and cut some holes in it?
!!ǝlɐ⅁ about 4 years ago
‘I got a rock.’
Oh! Right, this isn’t Halloween any more! B^D
Kim Metzger Premium Member about 4 years ago
I know what this light in the sky is, but I don’t want to spoil it for anyone.
jagedlo about 4 years ago
I’m surprised that Snoopy didn’t turn the doghouse into a shelter of some kind!
AlanTompkins about 4 years ago
The world will not end before the Temple is rebuilt in Jerusalem and so until that progress is begun the world goes along it’s own worldly way; plus there are to be three prophets who will be killed in the streets of Jerusalem and their bodies lie there for ‘x’ amt of time and then they will be restored to life. Also a Temple needs be built in Jackson County, Missouri before the world conditions end. These and more need occur first.
Doug Taylor Premium Member about 4 years ago
Que Sera Sera…
dflak about 4 years ago
If there were ever a time in history that checked most of the boxes outlined in the Apocalypse it would have been the first half of the 20th century. We had a World War, followed by a global pandemic, followed by an economic depression followed by another World War and culminating in a Holocaust of one kind in Europe and another kind over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
We are still here with some of the same old problems (because as a race, we are slow learners) and some new ones as well.
Ellis97 about 4 years ago
Snoopy, there is nothing to worry about. The world has already survived thousands of predictions of its end. Some by scientists, some by prophets, poets, ancient calendars, tribes, rabbis, priests and even the occasional TV network.
Neo Stryder about 4 years ago
We’re not safer now than back then.
jrankin1959 about 4 years ago
This would be a lot funnier if there weren’t people who felt this way over every strange development… which now comes – like clockwork – every couple of days.
ajr58(1) about 4 years ago
The Rapture came. Nobody was taken.
WCraft Premium Member about 4 years ago
Amateurs! Everyone knows you have to build a pyramid shaped structure out of branches and sit int he middle!
I❤️Peanuts about 4 years ago
Snoopy’s been watching too many episodes of “The Twilight Zone.”
Saddenedby Premium Member about 4 years ago
or fauci on tv
txmystic about 4 years ago
This was published when comet Kohoutek was sighted
gantech about 4 years ago
Naw, it’s not the end of the world; just the nuke down the road having a core meltdo….
Otis Rufus Driftwood about 4 years ago
Odd timing for this one to be rerun.
PuppyPapa about 4 years ago
“We mean no harm to your planet . . .”
Earnestly Frank about 4 years ago
The world will end at midnight — 12:30 in Newfoundland.
tinstar about 4 years ago
If you live on the East Coast, the “strange light in the sky” at this time of year, is generally, the sun.
Ceeg22 Premium Member about 4 years ago
When the sun comes out in Michigan during winter …