I would walk with my brown tabby in the redwoods. I could see him for a hundred yards, if he were moving. If he could not see me, when I called, he would answer back. If he could see me, he did not understand the question. I once spent five minutes calling for him, off and on, with no answer. Just as I was becoming concerned, he twitched an ear and “materialized” five feet way, where he had been the whole time. #invisibilitycloak"
Lily.spokescat over 4 years ago
Don’t worry Mitts, I’m sure they’ll all be fancy.
amethyst52 Premium Member over 4 years ago
distortion Premium Member over 4 years ago
Grandma may need bandages.
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
Zoomer&Yeti over 4 years ago
Call The Woman in the BPH from Breaking-Cat-News. She’s very adept at getting her cats into costumes! :-)
jadoo823 over 4 years ago
…there will be treats involved #icanbebought
DorseyBelle over 4 years ago
prrdh over 4 years ago
Ordinarily, he only puts that on when he hears the word ‘vet’.
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
I would walk with my brown tabby in the redwoods. I could see him for a hundred yards, if he were moving. If he could not see me, when I called, he would answer back. If he could see me, he did not understand the question. I once spent five minutes calling for him, off and on, with no answer. Just as I was becoming concerned, he twitched an ear and “materialized” five feet way, where he had been the whole time. #invisibilitycloak"
over 4 years ago
raptorempress over 4 years ago
She might have a James Bond outfit for you. Just think what Fiona would purr if she saw you as James Bond.
smorbie the great and beautiful about 4 years ago
No fair! The filthy hound doesn’t have to wear a costume. True, he’s not tough and fancy, but still….