The actor and comedian Cliff Arquette is more widely known as Charley Weaver, the alter ego he performed for over thirty years. He always played Charley as a shrewdly funny codgerly type, even when Arquette himself was a younger man. Nearing his 60th birthday, he was asked by an interviewer how his approach to the role had changed over the years. He said, “Well, now it takes me no time to get ready to go before an audience. The older I get, the less old-guy makeup I have to put on.”
Arquette once ad libbed a comic line during the filming of an episode of Dragnet, causing the stoic and sober Jack Webb (as Sgt. Joe Friday) to break character and actually laugh. Webb, also the producer, never permitted deviation from the script or actual funny moments… except this one time. The ad lib stayed in.
LookingGlass Premium Member about 4 years ago
At my age, I’m beginning to revert to the first stage…of existence!
jimmjonzz Premium Member about 4 years ago
The actor and comedian Cliff Arquette is more widely known as Charley Weaver, the alter ego he performed for over thirty years. He always played Charley as a shrewdly funny codgerly type, even when Arquette himself was a younger man. Nearing his 60th birthday, he was asked by an interviewer how his approach to the role had changed over the years. He said, “Well, now it takes me no time to get ready to go before an audience. The older I get, the less old-guy makeup I have to put on.”
Arquette once ad libbed a comic line during the filming of an episode of Dragnet, causing the stoic and sober Jack Webb (as Sgt. Joe Friday) to break character and actually laugh. Webb, also the producer, never permitted deviation from the script or actual funny moments… except this one time. The ad lib stayed in.
The Reader Premium Member about 4 years ago
Ho, ho, oh!
cdward about 4 years ago
Now entering stage 4.
Linguist about 4 years ago
I have been through all 4 stages and still am in stages 3 & 4! MERRY CHRISTMAS, ALL!
Perkycat about 4 years ago
This is one of those that is funny and sad.
We has seen the enemy about 4 years ago
Turned 70 this year and approaching Stage 4 above. The stay at home recommendations don’t help either.