Strange Brew by John Deering for November 10, 2020

  1. Mm wp001
    allen@home  about 4 years ago

    Money always works out in the end.

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  2. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  about 4 years ago

    Actors (and ladies (and laddies) of the night) were the first gig workers. As a person who’s held salaried jobs, been employed by the hour, and worked gig, I can tell you that there’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with going for the money when you can. Because you’re buying your own bennies (if any), and there’s absolutely no security. Not that other jobs have a lot, but it feels more secure if you have a contract.

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  3. I yam who i yam
    Kind&Kinder  about 4 years ago

    This is when an actor gives a feeling of real truth to his performance!

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  4. Tampa 2010 033
    mikeyman  about 4 years ago

    Honesty in Hollywood?

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  5. Voxx
    Voxx  about 4 years ago

    Steven Seagal

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    Zebrastripes  about 4 years ago

    Money talks….

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    buer  about 4 years ago

    Nothing wrong with it. There are only two motivations: will it bring money? Or, if it doesn’t pay much, will it bring awards… that will help ask for more money on the next high paying job. Actually there is a third, will it bring personal pleasure. But this one is available only when money isn’t a problem anymore… Or as a moral comfort when no one offers you high paying gigs.

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  8. Copy of msg apa181
    The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member about 4 years ago

    “No one but a blockhead ever wrote, except for money.”

    —Dr. Samuel Johnson

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    Troglodyte  about 4 years ago

    Sounds scripted.

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    ekke  about 4 years ago

    Yes, just as much artistic integrity as required by “Ars Gratia Artis.”

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  11. Stinker
    cuzinron47  about 4 years ago

    With proper printing press.

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