Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for November 30, 2020

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 4 years ago

    algo en qué para pensar (that is “something to think about”, right?)

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    TwilightFaze  about 4 years ago

    My answer: “We are together.” I’ve always believed a relationship is 50-50 and both side gotta give it 100. That can’t happen in a partnership. But that CAN happen when you’re together.

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    jmworacle  about 4 years ago

    Not the answer she was looking for kid….

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    Sir Ruddy Blighter  about 4 years ago

    I don’t want to be “that guy”…but that ground can’t possibly be dry enough to sit on, with all that snow still around

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    texasbob  about 4 years ago

    Nice dodge Baldo, answering without answering

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    Strider Premium Member about 4 years ago

    If I were Baldo I would be preparing to protect my head with my arms and hands as that soccer ball is probably going to be heading pretty fast in that direction.

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    R.R.Bedford  about 4 years ago

    after almost half a century together I assure you all if you are not friends first, sharing interests, you will never become partners…a firm relationship, like a strong building, begins with the foundation.

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    morningglory73 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Team mates is good.

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    Michael G.  about 4 years ago

    Faint heart never wooed a lovely lady, O Latin Lothario! :-p

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    MikeM_inMD  about 4 years ago

    Define “partners”.

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    Jeffin Premium Member about 4 years ago

    They’re gonna have a ball together.

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    Thorby  about 4 years ago

    It reminds me of a line from “North By Northwest”. Eva Marie Saint: “Is that a proposition?”- Cary Grant: “No, it’s a proposal.”

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    raybarb44  about 4 years ago

    Talk about a non committal answer……

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member about 4 years ago

    A very politically correct answer.

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    jaydogg187  about 4 years ago

    This is as profound as I’ve ever seen Baldo be.

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    Lightpainter  about 4 years ago

    I thought they settled this question long ago.

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    locake  about 4 years ago

    They can be BF and GF and still be partners.

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    Timothy Madigan Premium Member about 4 years ago

    they’re in high school. No reason to be ‘partners’ yet.

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    Cactus-Pete  about 4 years ago

    Partners in what?

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 4 years ago

    Are they mates for life?

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  21. Toughcat
    bakana  about 4 years ago

    It depends on what your definition of “Are” is ??

    Or, maybe it’s the definition of “Partners” ?

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    Shikamoo Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Teams have more than two players, don’t they? This doesn’t bode well.

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    mafastore  about 4 years ago

    Husband & I were in friends in the same group (yearbook) in college. I was dating a guy, he was dating 3 women. We both loved movies- old & new – and set up to go to a midnight movie together (as a date) after work one Friday night. On paper we were a terrible match – different religions, different ethnic backgrounds, my family believed women can do/be anything – his family believed in traditional family roles, my family ate home on holidays – his family ate out (this is a big difference, believe it or not), my family gave small gifts on gift occasions – his family gave multiple large gifts – which went along with my family being much more conservative with money than his family, and the biggest problem of all that I found out after we married – his family had hand soap at the kitchen sink, my family just used a bit of dish soap if we washed our hands there.

    We dated 4 years, were engaged 2 years – the joke was was that we would be married for 1 year & at our wedding friends were taking bets on how many days to months the marriage would last.

    We have been married 41 years & everything worked out as we are the perfect match for each other with similar love of crafts, history, movies (especially old ones), big band music, & respect for each other. We each will do anything to make the other happy – I know more about James Bond, his big favorite especially the books – than any one, let alone any woman should know & he knows more about Louisa May Alcott than any man should know. He also can get my computers to do things that they cannot do – I have a lot of software that does not run after Win XP and my computers have virtual XP machines in them so that I can continue to use the software. If one of us wins an award for needlework, wood work, etc. we both are excited and support each other in all our works – arts, writing, actual job work, etc. We are both 18th century reenactors due to his interest in it.

    That is how it should be – we are two halves of a whole.

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