Measuring the temperature of a lightening bolt may well be in our sphere of scientific abilities, but I question the ability to measure the temperature of the surface of the sun. Unless they went at night.
One wonders if this is where the Crunchy Frog sketch by Monty Python’s troop is from. Toad Vomit lozenge to Ram’s Bladder Cup with its garnish of Lark’s Vomit.
Interesting sun fact: the atmosphere of the sun is 300 times hotter than the surface. The core is 27 million degrees.
Leroy about 4 years ago
… to which there is also a reaction.
ScottHolman about 4 years ago
Toad vomit lozenges? Did they work? They cured bubonic plague?
Templo S.U.D. about 4 years ago
lightning: 27,760 C
flashdrive1988 about 4 years ago
Now I know why Isaac Newton flunked out of Med School and became a Scientist.
Those lozenges must have been precursors to the jelly beans on Harry Potter.
monkeysky about 4 years ago
I was gonna say “didn’t we talk about Newton earlier this week?”, but I realize now that was Get Fuzzy.
Caldonia about 4 years ago
I wonder if Newton inspired Monty Python’s Whizzo Chocolate sketch? Did he invent Crunchy Frogs, too?
Zykoic about 4 years ago
But it’s a dry heat…..
whahoppened about 4 years ago
Ever heard of a toad with bubonic plague?
jon who tried to make a snowman about 4 years ago
ewww… to all but the space one
ncorgbl about 4 years ago
This is why we see no spider’s bar and grill.
Newton was skillful using hummingbird feathers.
Measuring the temperature of a lightening bolt may well be in our sphere of scientific abilities, but I question the ability to measure the temperature of the surface of the sun. Unless they went at night.
sdjamieson Premium Member about 4 years ago
Mmm, toad vomit lozenges! Do they come in any other flavors?
Gameguy49 Premium Member about 4 years ago
If I had some tarantula genes my jeans would fit better.
FassEddie about 4 years ago
One wonders if this is where the Crunchy Frog sketch by Monty Python’s troop is from. Toad Vomit lozenge to Ram’s Bladder Cup with its garnish of Lark’s Vomit.
WCraft Premium Member about 4 years ago
Oh yeah, Mr. Tarantula? I can survive 2 hours without food!
gozar about 4 years ago
Tarantula feeding habits: Believe it.
Lightning temperature: Believe it.
Toad-vomit curative: or Not!
May the Lords of Acid be with you.
RandomLantern445 about 4 years ago
I knew the lightning fact, but the tarantula was so interesting, I have to add this to my saved comic strips.
The Duke about 4 years ago
Don’t forget Isaac’s greatest invention, the fig newton!
6turtle9 about 4 years ago
Interesting sun fact: the atmosphere of the sun is 300 times hotter than the surface. The core is 27 million degrees.
stamps about 4 years ago
That was back in the days when the worse it tasted, the better people thought it was for you.
oakie817 about 4 years ago
i once gave toad vomit lozenges out one Halloween
oakie817 about 4 years ago
how did he collect the toad vomit? in little buckets?
Craig Westlake about 4 years ago
They didn’t cure the plague, but they made you look forward to dying…