Prickly City by Scott Stantis for December 21, 2020

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz  about 4 years ago

    The election is over. Biden won in a landslide. It wasn’t even close.

    Even Twitter is now adding the disclaimer that “Election officials have certified Joe Biden as the winner of the U.S. Presidential election” each time Trump tweets that he won.

    Whiny sore loser crybaby Trump is the 2020 version of Mad King George III, unable to accept reality (“I won, I won, I won!”)

    • Joe Biden won the actual vote of the people by MORE THAN SEVEN MILLION votes.

    • Joe Biden won the Electoral College by a margin Trump called a LANDSLIDE four years ago.

    • The only cheating and rigging was by Trump and the Republicans, trying to suppress minority voters including trying to destroy the Postal Service to sabotage mail ballots, but it was not enough for Trumpsters to steal the election.

    • Even Trump’s own hand-picked appointee as election security expert, knowing that it would probably cost him his job (it did), certified that this was the most secure election in modern times.

    • Even Trump’s own hand-picked consigliere, William Barr, has confirmed that it was a full, fair and free election.

    • Even Trump loyalists in Arizona and Georgia have confirmed that it was a full, fair and free election.

    • Even Kellyanne Conway has acknowledged the Biden won.

    • Even the Supreme Court with SIX CONSERVATIVES appointed by Republicans, including THREE BY TRUMP, dismissed a bid to invalidate Pennsylvania UNANIMOUSLY.

    • Privately, many senators who won’t acknowledge it publicly, have called Biden to congratulate him.

    • Trumpsters have offered all kinds of bizarre conspiracy theories, and hold up unverified props on their POOP-aganda sites such as OAN, Alex Jones and NewsMax, but when they get in court have ZERO EVIDENCE and repeatedly admit that there is not fraud. The cases are being thrown out by judges APPOINTED BY REPUBLICANS and even judges APPOINTED BY TRUMP who are scolding and ridiculing the nonsensical, sloppy filings that have ZERO SUPPORTING EVIDENCE.

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  2. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Trump’s just grifting his followers so he can pay off the Russians all the money he owes.

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  3. Can flag
    Alberta Oil  about 4 years ago

    trump will keep the charade up so long as he can suck up contributions for his slush fund.

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  4. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 4 years ago

    “We want them infected.”

    320,000 covid deaths. Congratulations to all the Trump Disciples.

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    admiree2  about 4 years ago

    How should the GULLibles and Trumpedty realize it is over? Count the number of Trump Trolls that now occasionally make a lame remark on Gocomics versus the number that were here the week prior to November 3rd.

    They are among the choir of Fat Ladies singing. Some are going underground but there are also those starting to realize that the Fat Orange Clown might be a bit demented. What could be more evident than this past weekend meeting with Trumpedty, Powell and Giuliani plus the last of the lackeys to plan another “independent campaign filing” to the SCOTUS. They said that it got “raucous” as Powell started to call the others quitters.

    I suppose that the rantings and screaming that can be heard after dark in a jail or mental asylum can be described as raucous. In the far right alt world they might also be described as calls for election justice.

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  6. Missing large
    William Robbins Premium Member about 4 years ago

    A trillion dollar settlement would sit real well with me… The ‘Red Slime’ Lawsuit That Could Sink Right-Wing Media Voting machine companies threaten “highly dangerous” cases against Fox, Newsmax and OAN, says Floyd Abrams.

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  7. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 4 years ago

    The problem with that big a$$ commentary above is it looks largely at the idiot-in-chief and not at the 70 million a$$ hats, who voted for him……………………….last month. He may going away, but your moron neighbor is probably still passing Q Anon-level conspiracies………right now………while you read this comment…………..quit putting so much attention on the symptom…………..eye the DA source……………………….s………………………..millions of them. Also, read yesterday’s Doonesbury.

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  8. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   about 4 years ago

    But in politics, and especially with this President, the simplest explanation for something is usually the best one.

    Whatever the other reasons are for his ongoing post-election temper tantrum, it couldn’t be more clear that Trump is also motivated by the simple psychological fact that he really, really hates being called a “loser.”

    It’s one of his favorite insults, and a label he would do anything to avoid having affixed to his own name.

    Just in the course of this election year, he has called Chuck Schumer, the Senate Minority Leader, “a totally overrated loser,” and George Conway, the conservative lawyer who became one of his sharpest critics, a “deranged loser of a husband” to his adviser Kellyanne Conway.

    He said that Cory Booker, Chris Cuomo, John Kasich, and John Kelly were losers, too.

    In September, The Atlantic reported that he had called American soldiers who died fighting overseas “suckers” and “losers.”

    When the Republican senator Mitt Romney has criticized Trump, the President has responded by reminding the former Republican Presidential nominee of his defeat in the 2012 election.

    “LOSER!” he tweeted, after one such episode, taunting Romney by attaching a video of his 2012 concession alongside Trump’s 2016 victory speech.

    Since November 3rd, however, the word has practically disappeared from his vocabulary.

    But there is another way of looking at what Trump has been doing since November 3rd, and it does not suggest a strategy of political genius—or, really, much of a strategy at all.

    In pushing back so insistently and filing so many baseless lawsuits, Trump has forced dozens of conservatives at every level of American society to attest to the integrity of the vote—and highlight Trump’s loss. Republican governors in states such as Arizona and Georgia have affirmed that he lost—not only their states but the election over all.


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  9. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   about 4 years ago

    Fox Business host Lou Dobbs was first. In his show Friday night, the staunchly pro-Trump host aired a segment that pretty much debunked some of the claims that some of the network’s host have been making.

    The segment is the result of a legal threat that voting technology company Smartmatic sent to Fox News, accusing it of participating in a “disinformation campaign” against the firm.

    Dobbs introduced the segment by saying “there are lots of opinions about the integrity of the election, the irregularities of mail-in voting, of election voting machines and voting software.”

    He went on to introduce Edward Perez, an expert with the nonprofit Open Source Election Technology Institute, to give “his assessment of Smartmatic and recent claims about the company.”

    What followed was a startling pre-taped segment in which Perez proceeded to answer questions from an unidentified person that essentially dismissed several of the conspiracy theories that several Fox News hosts, including Dobbs had been peddling.

    “I have not seen any evidence that Smartmatic software was used to delete, change, alter anything related to vote tabulation,” Perez said.

    Fox News will also be airing the segment on Jeanine Pirro’s show Saturday night and Maria Bartiromo’s show on Sunday.

    The segment came shortly after Smartmatic sent a 20-page legal demand letter to Fox News Media.

    It also sent similar letters to Newsmax and One America News demanding “a full and complete retraction of all false and defamatory statements and reports” aired by the networks.

    The letter includes several statements made by Dobbs as well as in the shows hosted by Pirro and Bartiromo.


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  10. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   about 4 years ago

    A hoax from a far-right message board about a rejected pro-Trump Supreme Court case went viral, drawing millions of views on social media and tricking a presidential elector in Texas and multiple right-wing media outlets and figures after a known white nationalist shared it.

    Since President Donald Trump lost reelection to President-elect Joe Biden, he and his allies have repeatedly pushed baseless claims of voter fraud and filed multiple legal challenges.

    One of those cases, brought by Texas’ Republican attorney general, urged the Supreme Court to throw out the election results in four states that went to Biden. On December 11, the Supreme Court rejected the case.

    That evening, a user on “/pol/,” a far-right message board on 4chan, posed as a “Supreme Court Clerk” and claimed they heard that the justices had been “arguing loudly behind closed doors” about the Texas case in a “closed and sealed room, as is standard.”

    The user claimed that during a “screaming” match, Chief Justice John Roberts told the other justices that hearing the Texas case would cause “riots” and that he would tell them “how to vote.”

    The post was clearly false, as the justices have not met in person for months due to the coronavirus pandemic.

    The following day, Hal Turner, a white nationalist radio host with a long history of spreading false claims and hoaxes, posted a story on his site from “a source deep inside the US Supreme Court as they discussed the pending Texas lawsuit.”

    In actuality, Turner just copied the 4chan post nearly word for word.

    The post subsequently earned thousands of engagements on social media, according to the tracking tool CrowdTangle, and the article was shared on social media via images and videos.


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  11. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   about 4 years ago

    President-elect Joe Biden made national unity a centerpiece of his campaign, and no patriotic American who wants to repair the damage of the Donald Trump years can argue with such a noble call.

    The election is over, and we can now undertake the tasks Trump neglected, including fighting the coronavirus pandemic and restoring our alliances.

    But millions of Americans are not ready to declare that bygones are bygones and engage the loyal Trump supporters they might still find among their neighbors, friends, or families.

    They are not wrong to feel this way.

    That may sound like a profoundly un-civic, even un-American, stance. After all, Democrats, independents, and what’s left of the last few sensible Republicans should not stop trying to solve problems together.

    To cease all political communication would not only be foolish, but our system of government does not allow it. Even in the minority, a party can help or hinder the process of governing.

    Nonetheless, ordinary people worn out by the dramas and lies of the past four years have a right to refuse to take Trump’s most enthusiastic supporters seriously.

    To reject further debate with people whose views are completely incoherent is not only understandable, but sensible.

    Instead, I am talking about the people who are giving Trump their full-throated support to the very end, even as he mulls a military coup; the people who buy weird paintings of Trump crossing the Delaware, or who believe that Trump is an agent of Jesus Christ, or who think that Trump is fighting a blood-drinking ring of pedophiles.

    These supporters have gone far beyond political loyalty and have succumbed to a kind of mass delusion. It is not possible to engage them. Indeed, to argue with them is to legitimize their beliefs, which itself is unhealthy for our democracy.


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  12. Icon2
    Wichita1.0  about 4 years ago

    GET OVER IT and call the moving people.

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    quixotic3  about 4 years ago

    For trump apologists, it’s always the season for delusion.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 5b9a05]  about 4 years ago

    Has Trump’s urine turned blue?

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