My family home has a hill to one immediate side of it, and I remember my dad one year took our snowblower and piled all of the snow from the sidewalk and a good share of our front yard at the top so to artificially raise the height of the hill by another three or four feet.
Particularly good sledding as I recall, that year. :D
The closest we got to this was when we built a foot tall dam over a creek. It lasted almost a year before being washed away. We used what was left as a bridge/walkway after that. I think a very small bit of it remains.
Panel 2: A childhood memory of my father’s bothered him ever after—a cheesy record with “Santa Claus” reading “Now we will go to the room next door / Where the Christmas tree reaches from the ceiling to the floor.” That sounded wrong to him. Yet was it in Sally Forth that the family hung their tree from the ceiling this year?
Laurie Sefton Premium Member about 4 years ago
Don’t worry—this time of year there’s always more snow!
Justanolddude Premium Member about 4 years ago
Wallace is destined to be a contractor.
Andrew Sleeth about 4 years ago
Wallace has a bright future ahead of him as a general contractor.
crookedwolf Premium Member about 4 years ago
Dream big, little buddy!
mickjam about 4 years ago
I zoomed to 500%, still cannot make out what is sliding along with him. The ever-present seagull, perhaps?
jschumaker about 4 years ago
Got a chuckle from the seagull joining in the fun in panel 2.
Killraven Premium Member about 4 years ago
The dreams of youth never seem to match the reality.
raybarb44 about 4 years ago
Can always pray for more snow/building material…..
gcottay about 4 years ago
This is a scene from my childhood. Is that also true for you?
scyphi26 about 4 years ago
My family home has a hill to one immediate side of it, and I remember my dad one year took our snowblower and piled all of the snow from the sidewalk and a good share of our front yard at the top so to artificially raise the height of the hill by another three or four feet.
Particularly good sledding as I recall, that year. :D
DCBakerEsq about 4 years ago
One’s aspirations should always exceed one’s abilities. Except when mating.
CharlesTarrant about 4 years ago
The closest we got to this was when we built a foot tall dam over a creek. It lasted almost a year before being washed away. We used what was left as a bridge/walkway after that. I think a very small bit of it remains.
FunnyMinnion about 4 years ago
Even in wallaces imagination sterling is there waiting for a turn.
WCraft Premium Member about 4 years ago
Wait for the Day after Tomorrow
Kawasaki Cat about 4 years ago
probably work for the state highway
martynhappyone about 4 years ago
That is why God made snow making machines.
MCProfessor about 4 years ago
He just needs some heavy equipment.
NWdryad about 4 years ago
Glad to see Spud up for an adventurous activity.
Thinkingblade about 4 years ago
Part of the learning process is figuring out how to match up your reach with your grasp.
JH&Cats about 4 years ago
Panel 2: A childhood memory of my father’s bothered him ever after—a cheesy record with “Santa Claus” reading “Now we will go to the room next door / Where the Christmas tree reaches from the ceiling to the floor.” That sounded wrong to him. Yet was it in Sally Forth that the family hung their tree from the ceiling this year?