Pharaoh: “Now put it back!”
In Japanese culture, the butt-monkey is part of comedy duo schtick, what we call the fall guy…betcha didn’t know that…
The amazing feet of Moses, proves there is a god.
or he could just be a bit kinky
All we need now, is for the monkey to have wings.
So – not a rabbit out of his…. o.k. he’s not wearing a hat, but perhaps out of his beard?
Which one of the Plagues was this?
“Say Pharaoh, would you happen to have a spare barrel I could use…”
“Monkey! See!! Monkey doo doo!”
That trick never works!
This time for sure!
And now, here’s something we hope you’ll really like.
Moses; “Now, who wants to touch the monkey?”
Oy, such a schmertz in tuchas !!
If they can turn staffs into serpents they can do that too.
God? He needs a proofreader.
Yakety Sax about 4 years ago
Pharaoh: “Now put it back!”
KenseidenXL about 4 years ago
In Japanese culture, the butt-monkey is part of comedy duo schtick, what we call the fall guy…betcha didn’t know that…
Pickled Pete about 4 years ago
The amazing feet of Moses, proves there is a god.
bxclent Premium Member about 4 years ago
or he could just be a bit kinky
chief tommy about 4 years ago
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 4 years ago
All we need now, is for the monkey to have wings.
Csaw Backnforth about 4 years ago
So – not a rabbit out of his…. o.k. he’s not wearing a hat, but perhaps out of his beard?
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member about 4 years ago
Which one of the Plagues was this?
vics_machine Premium Member about 4 years ago
“Say Pharaoh, would you happen to have a spare barrel I could use…”
thebashfulone about 4 years ago
“Monkey! See!! Monkey doo doo!”
Pharmakeus Ubik about 4 years ago
That trick never works!
This time for sure!
And now, here’s something we hope you’ll really like.
AMBER1 about 4 years ago
Moses; “Now, who wants to touch the monkey?”
spaced man spliff about 4 years ago
Oy, such a schmertz in tuchas !!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 4 years ago
If they can turn staffs into serpents they can do that too.
jondelfin Premium Member about 4 years ago
God? He needs a proofreader.