The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for January 29, 2021

  1. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 4 years ago

    I don’t even bother to answer UNLESS it’s someone I know.

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  2. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  about 4 years ago

    I have an answering machine on my landline and voice mail as a part of my landline service. If someone calls while my phone is busy it’ll send that call to voice mail. More than once I have gotten a spam call that I let go to the answering machine and a spam call that went to voice mail. Caller ID is a wonderful thing. Whenever I get a call from say Tacoma WA or Ohio I know to ignore it. I just don’t have time to talk to all of those people. And I never ever answer it when caller ID says that the caller is me. I know there will be harsh words between myself.

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  3. Img 1691
    Zykoic  about 4 years ago

    About two a day. They never leave a message. Always different numbers. No doubt New Delhi calling.

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  4. Doc forbin avatar
    docforbin  about 4 years ago

    That happens to me a lot as well.

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  5. Screenshot 163
    Cminuscomics&stories Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Most of the time there is no-one on the phone if I answer. Want a free back brace, anyone?

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    rdav1248961 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    I’m getting spam calls about a Medicare plan. I tell them that I’m not eligible for Medicare. They just hang up without saying a word.

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  7. Pileated woodpecker 0009 24 06 07
    Strider Premium Member about 4 years ago

    That’s because sometimes these idiots call more than one phone number and only talk to the first person to answer the rest they hang up on.

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  8. Orange bird 2
    drycurt  about 4 years ago

    Usually I don’t answer unknown callers, but sometimes do. I want to tell them to quit calling me. Usually it’s a collection agency looking for the previous owner of the number, if not some babbling recorded message in some Chinese language.

    Yesterday I answered a call – from someone who called to tell me to quit calling them. So apparently my phone number is being spoofed. I reported it to the FTC.

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  9. Wile e coyote
    Totalloser Premium Member about 4 years ago

    I beat you Thorny! I get 3-4 hang ups in a row, they all call within a few minutes of each other

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  10. Image
    MuddyUSA  Premium Member about 4 years ago

    @Art and Chip Sansom – That is a funny punch line. I laughed aloud!

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  11. Atheism 007
    Michael G.  about 4 years ago

    When even your closest friends won’t tell you.

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    Frank_Lecanto  about 4 years ago

    They often hang up on me when I ask “What are you wearing?”, “where do you live?”…

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    raybarb44  about 4 years ago

    Lucky you. I am forced to hang up on them, which, I actually like doing, truth be known…..

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  14. Great view up here
    comixbomix  about 4 years ago

    No, the proof is that you tried to have a conversation with it…

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    cracker65  about 4 years ago

    Ah yes, the robo calls. You’re better off Brutus. You could be listening to a computer generated voice telling you that the IRS is going to send the police to arrest you in thirty minutes. That is unless you pay a fine to them.

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  16. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  about 4 years ago

    I get lots of calls from my good buddy, Scam Likely. How come I don’t get any from Spam Likely? (◔_◔)

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    kathleenhicks62  about 4 years ago

    Tell me how that works.

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  18. Stinker
    cuzinron47  about 4 years ago

    I guess there’s something to be said about being a born loser. Mostly better you then me.

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  19. Bearfront
    paranormal  about 4 years ago

    Lucky you!!!

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    Buckeye67  about 4 years ago

    Brutus, what really makes you a loser in this case is that you answered the phone in the first place. There are a number of ways to avoid being the victim of robocalls.

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  21. Rat protest2 1
    Obi-Haiv  about 4 years ago

    Now, you’ll never be able to get the extended warranty for your vehicle.

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  22. 38096534 2543 4864 8509 d06fceeba3fb
    Brent Rosenthal Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Say what you want about him but at least Brutus has great self awareness. And that puts him ahead of a substantial part of the world’s population

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    vjorgensen54  about 4 years ago

    me too.

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  24. Img 1754  2
    GiantShetlandPony  about 4 years ago

    My favorite was one threatening there was an arrest warrant blah, blah, blah. So, of course, I did the first logical thing and called my friend who works in law enforcement and ask her if I could hide at her place?

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