Prickly City by Scott Stantis for January 27, 2021

  1. E43f09f0 d9ab 4f55 b739 d75d4df15e24
    quixotic3  about 4 years ago

    Maybe now he’ll pay attention.

    Maybe we all will.

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  2. 1djojn
    RobinHood  about 4 years ago

    Listen, do you want to know a secret?

    Do you promise not to tell?

    Whoa-oh-oh, closer

    Let me whisper in your ear

    Say the words you long to hear

    Xerox don’t like you ooh ooh ooh ooh

    Apoligies to Lennon/McCartney

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Right, Stantis!

    NOBODY saw this coming!

    Except, um, everybody. Trump Disciples saw it coming and were delighted. Something to celebrate, just like covid deaths.

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    William Robbins Premium Member about 4 years ago

    when did Stantis warn about radical right terrorists?

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  5. 704fe3d1 4a7d 495f a742 2d8456861f60
    admiree2  about 4 years ago

    Perhaps, Winslow, you spent too much time and attention on reality shows, your “stories” programs, and meaningless sports games instead of learning what will effect your future.

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    Christopher Shea  about 4 years ago

    No, little Mouthpiece, you didn’t. You were too busy explaining how both sides are equally bad.

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  7. 1djojn
    RobinHood  about 4 years ago

    It frightens me to think that people such as many here “contributers” may be out in the world, driving with blinders on.

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    William Robbins Premium Member about 4 years ago

    People frightened by their Facebook fictions stormed the capitol and killed 5.

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  9. 7553c0eb fe60 48a8 a4b6 2f89cdbcf5ac
    RonnieAThompson Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Thanks to all who posted links. Have a blessed day my friends.

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  10. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 4 years ago

    See the strawgiant

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  11. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  about 4 years ago

    Yesterday Rand Paul and 44 other Senators voted to rule that holding tRump’s impeachment trial after he left office is unconstitutional. It seems to me that these 45 Senators are the Neville Chamberlains of our times. And we know how well appeasement worked out for Chamberlain. They might be hoping that tRump will just go away. tRump will not go away. The best thing they could do for themselves and our country it to prevent tRump from holding office ever again.

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  12. 1djojn
    RobinHood  about 4 years ago


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    Bruce1253  about 4 years ago

    He is another one, “If you don’t hold people accountable for their actions, they will do them again.” You have been warned.

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  14. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  about 4 years ago

    The strip’s still about [FILL IN YOUR OWN BLANK HERE, KIDS], but at least the gag is character based. I mean, they had to reverse the basic polarity of the characters to make it work, but it’s sort of like they tried.

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  15. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  about 4 years ago

    It was funny, I can not be held responsible for your lack of a sense of humor. But hey you gave SS another opinion to latch on to. He needs the help since is is opionon challenged.

    Factory-second fridge magnet poetry as arranged by pigeons.

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  16. Shy ghost icon 256
    bdpoltergeist Premium Member about 4 years ago

    History has been repeated and will be repeated because society fails to learn from the mistakes. Society needs to learn how to read more than the 140 character headlines.

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  17. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  about 4 years ago

    Late to the game. Honestly, of late, I often wonder why I still come to this strip. It’s not what it was back in the 1980s where it appeared to respect differences of opinion (hence the two protagonists, Carmen and Winslow) in spite of maintaining its overall conservative leaning.

    And I am not the one to say that conservatism is inherently evil. I am not a conservative, but the last thing I want to do is say that someone who disagrees with me is evil.

    But there is evil out there. And I will say that conservatives aren’t doing enough – indeed, Republicans aren’t doing anything at all – to distance themselves from it.

    Scott Stantis: You do not get a “pass” from me today. At least twice now, the last couple of weeks, you have tried to project from Republicans to Democrats: First it was, Carmen talking about the hard, serious business of governing with Winslow saying “Nay.” Today, it’s Carmen with the “I told you so” when, in fact, Winslow should be the one saying exactly that to Carmen.

    We, as Democrats, saw this coming since, what, 2015? But each and every time Trump got caught, Republicans would say, time and time again, “He’s learned his lesson.” Right. He learned, all right. He learned that there was no consequences for any action he would take.

    Same as today. Republicans: “It’s unconstitutional – and unnecessary – to impeach the president – he’s already out of office!” The only reason that’s true is because you, the Republicans, demanded that the clock be allowed to run out. And again: When the House wanted to impeach right away, like 07 or 08 Jan, Republicans complained again, “Aren’t you rushing things a bit?” It was all about “running out the clock” so you wouldn’t have to hold Trump accountable.

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  18. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  about 4 years ago

    Mark my word: If Republicans continue to refuse to hold Trump accountable, then get ready for either another Trump wannabee – or maybe even Trump himself – leading your party in 2024, once again, either over the cliff, or our entire country over the cliff as Republican one party minority rule becomes what’s left of our once great republic.

    And this is from someone who does NOT want to see Republicans split into yet another third party.

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  19. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  about 4 years ago

    Robin Hood coming in three…two…one…

    Same goes for you. Constant false equivalence between Black Lives Matter – more UNARMED black people were killed by police this last year than protestors on 06-Jan. Indeed, read the news from around the world, and weep: They saw how BLM protestors were greeted in many cities – with the police looking more like an invading army than the peace officers they were supposed to be. Then, on 06-Jan, when FULLY ARMED white people, WITH INTENT TO OVERTHROW an election, met on the capital steps, practically no police presence at all, and of those present, many taking pictures of themselves with the Trump protestors.

    As for the law enforcement officers who were badly injured and died that day, not one word of solace from our president or party of “law and order.”

    Sorry, Robin. But from now on, whenever I see you bring up Portland or anything similar, that’s a flag. Whether you are ignorant of the facts or you are deliberately trying to misinform, the result is the same: Inflaming and justifying those on the far right who believe that, just as the answer to too many guns is more guns, somehow the answer to centuries of injustice is – more injustice against Black Lives Matter.

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  20. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  about 4 years ago

    But Robin Hood and others of his ilk may have little to worry about – from me, at least.

    This entire comic strip is becoming a cesspool of misinformation.

    Good grief, if it weren’t for Silly Season, Darsan54, and several others, I wouldn’t even bother with the strip anymore.

    Indeed, as of today, I think I’m bowing out of this mess.

    Not only does Trump need to be held accountable, but so do his enablers.

    And Scott Stantis is one of those enablers.

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  21. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  about 4 years ago

    Rant out.

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  22. Star wars kitty
    MAGA Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Buyers remorse being moaned from the cheater’s minions.

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  23. Grumpy octopus
    librarian4hire  about 4 years ago

    “The implication is the usual one: we—urban multiethnic liberal-to-radical only-partly-Christian America—need to spend more time understanding MAGA America. The demands do not go the other way. Fox and Ted Cruz and the Federalist have not chastised their audiences, I feel pretty confident, with urgings to enter into discourse with, say, Black Lives Matter activists, rabbis, imams, abortion providers, undocumented valedictorians, or tenured lesbians. When only half the divide is being tasked with making the peace, there is no peace to be made, but there is a unilateral surrender on offer. We are told to consider this bipartisanship, but the very word means both sides abandon their partisanship, and Mitch McConnell and company have absolutely no interest in doing that.”

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