This would be a flashback if he has a daughter whose brother tortures her 30 years later. He might call Liz and apologize – a 30 years old apology. OR he might laugh along with his son only to have his wife bite his head off, reminding him of his mother. His wife might sit down with him and explain why girls are tender and sensitive about their emerging womanly bodies and do not need older brothers tease them. Thankfully I did not have an older brother. Poor Liz. Now I am thinking of my 6-year-old grandson and 2-year-old granddaughter, whether I need to warn my daughter-in-law. She was the oldest, so no older brother torturing her.
Looking back on this strip, I had a hard time figuring out what Elizabeth was doing in the first panel here. She is stuffing her clothes into the washing machine. When I work with students, I always tell them to make sure the audience knows what they are looking at, that they use good reference so that appliances and machinery look right. Here, it seems, I didn’t follow my own advice!
Oh my. Back in the 90s mom ran off and left me and my daughter on our own. Took her to a Maidenform lingerie store and enlisted the help of a wisened older sales lady to help get us started. They disappeared for a lifetime before reappearing with everything sorted. This before single dads were a thing and life was interesting to say the least.
It was so much easier being the last one born, out of a extended and dispersed family, sisters, cousins, and so forth…They all, more or less ignored me…Some were in college when I was in first grade….I got to grow up more less unhampered by their idiocies…which were apparent…Some of us were truly familySome of us became dear friends, and that is how it is supposed to work…Lucky us…
Lyrak almost 4 years ago
Paybacks are hell, Michael.
Tyge almost 4 years ago
Evil brother will feel the wrath! Just you wait.
Templo S.U.D. almost 4 years ago
as if Elizabeth’s embarrassed enough!
capricorn9th almost 4 years ago
This would be a flashback if he has a daughter whose brother tortures her 30 years later. He might call Liz and apologize – a 30 years old apology. OR he might laugh along with his son only to have his wife bite his head off, reminding him of his mother. His wife might sit down with him and explain why girls are tender and sensitive about their emerging womanly bodies and do not need older brothers tease them. Thankfully I did not have an older brother. Poor Liz. Now I am thinking of my 6-year-old grandson and 2-year-old granddaughter, whether I need to warn my daughter-in-law. She was the oldest, so no older brother torturing her.
stillfickled Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I never wore a training bra. I was a late bloomer then it ( they) caught up with me in a hurry.
GirlGeek Premium Member almost 4 years ago
The bad part is that Mike and April will tease her about the bra and Elly will do nothing about it (spoils)
MagOctopus almost 4 years ago
Oh brothers.
Daniel Verburg almost 4 years ago
Michael beware, revenge will be fierce!
Ninette almost 4 years ago
Remember Smilin’ Bob? Ha,ha, those ads were funny.
littlejohn Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Watch it Mike. Females tend to stick together on issues like this. And you will not survive if they gang up and double team against you.
DorothyGlenn Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Here I was hoping Michael would have to explain a black eye from yesterday’s bra snap.
Acworthless almost 4 years ago
She should accuse him of using a washcloth to fill the extra space in his athletic supporter.
The childinme almost 4 years ago
How would Michael know about Kleenex in the dryer? He balks at putting away clean clothes delivered to his room!
Johnnyrico almost 4 years ago
Lynn Hendricks Premium Member almost 4 years ago
This is not making me smile. It’s starting to verge on abusive, and it’s ugly.
pheets almost 4 years ago
Watch your back, Mikey, Liz is young but not dumb: been living with YOU her entire life ;)
M2MM almost 4 years ago
I was fortunate to NOT have a big brother. An older sister, yes, but she never bugged me like this.
mourdac Premium Member almost 4 years ago
When I was that same obnoxious age as Michael, we used to riff on the “don’t squeeze the Charmin” commercials on tv….
Yardley701 almost 4 years ago
Michael is a really mean kid.
cracker65 almost 4 years ago
At this point, the a** kicking should begin.
Gerard:D almost 4 years ago
Lynn’s Comments:
Looking back on this strip, I had a hard time figuring out what Elizabeth was doing in the first panel here. She is stuffing her clothes into the washing machine. When I work with students, I always tell them to make sure the audience knows what they are looking at, that they use good reference so that appliances and machinery look right. Here, it seems, I didn’t follow my own advice!
Mark Hanson almost 4 years ago
Liz: “But not as full of Kleenex as the wastebasket next to your bed!”
kab2rb almost 4 years ago
I cannot remember my son doing that to his little sister.
summerdog almost 4 years ago
I never had a brother. But if I did, I would certainly have made sure he would NEVER discover my under things.
Aladar30 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Good one.
lbhorton almost 4 years ago
Oh my. Back in the 90s mom ran off and left me and my daughter on our own. Took her to a Maidenform lingerie store and enlisted the help of a wisened older sales lady to help get us started. They disappeared for a lifetime before reappearing with everything sorted. This before single dads were a thing and life was interesting to say the least.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I suspect Michael’s jock strap is about to get a liberal application of Ben-gay. Have fun in gym class that day, dude. eh?
Cincoflex almost 4 years ago
Will Lyn ever show lots of used kleenex under Michael’s bed, along with certain magazines?
raybarb44 almost 4 years ago
I’m sorry. I was always up for teasing my sister. However, that was just downright mean….
darcyandsimon almost 4 years ago
He’s back to being an idiot again. I guess he used all his empathy on Gordon. Yes, I KNOW she’s his sister…
MCProfessor almost 4 years ago
Let’s check under your mattress Michael.
Foob almost 4 years ago
Assuming John got around to removing Elizabeth’s ‘appliance’, did he take her teeth and lower jaw as well?
edeevans1947 almost 4 years ago
I say: make him wear it for a week! Michael will never make any commits like these for the rest of his life!!!
locake almost 4 years ago
If that was my kid he would be grounded until age 18 and he would NEVER be allowed to date. Where did he learn to be such a sexual harasser?
marymargaretparker almost 4 years ago
Wow, that was really mean!
sparklite almost 4 years ago
Cut it in half and you have two beanies with chin straps.
Claud1951 almost 4 years ago
The bra comics are offensive. It’s not funny that boys and men are taught to act this way
cmxx almost 4 years ago
If Liz were real and knew the German term, she’d be thinking that Michael has a backpfeifengesicht: a face in need of a fist.
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Stuff them all into his big mouth, and pack them in with knuckle sandwiches!
chain gang charlie almost 4 years ago
It was so much easier being the last one born, out of a extended and dispersed family, sisters, cousins, and so forth…They all, more or less ignored me…Some were in college when I was in first grade….I got to grow up more less unhampered by their idiocies…which were apparent…Some of us were truly familySome of us became dear friends, and that is how it is supposed to work…Lucky us…
Tantor almost 4 years ago
OMG I would have been killed by my parents if I was teasing my sister like that