Socks can be recycled, you know. 5-Minute Crafts has this video which shows how torn socks can be stitched into a “chor-pocket” underneath the waistband of pants to secretly conceal money.
(“Chor” means thief" in Hindi, and the “chor-pocket” is a common way to counter pickpockets. It’s not the same as the under-trouser wallet with a belt loop, but it’s a good deal more ergonomic and secure than those touristy money belts.)
Michael Thorton almost 4 years ago
Socks can be recycled, you know. 5-Minute Crafts has this video which shows how torn socks can be stitched into a “chor-pocket” underneath the waistband of pants to secretly conceal money.
(“Chor” means thief" in Hindi, and the “chor-pocket” is a common way to counter pickpockets. It’s not the same as the under-trouser wallet with a belt loop, but it’s a good deal more ergonomic and secure than those touristy money belts.)
WelshRat Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Moms always win the Holey wars. Even if subterfuge is needed the socks are lost.
KhalidBirdsong creator almost 4 years ago
The parents are at it again. Do you agree that Mom will win?
28estridgel almost 4 years ago
jbarnes almost 4 years ago
He could always darn his socks if they are so precious to him.
sergioandrade Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Remember, “If Mama ain’t happy, nobody’s happy.”
Ryker the reader almost 4 years ago
never say “excuse me” to mom.. ever
bakana almost 4 years ago
“In a family argument, if it turns out you are right, apologize at once!” — Robert A Heinlein.